Everyone was busy preparing for the upcoming attack tomorrow. The soldiers were escorting both registered and unregistered civilians to their underground bunker. The General decided that it was their responsibility to take care of the unregistered civilians, so I was happy about that.

As for the plan, selected soldiers will be joining me to fight the intruders, but with the use of tranquilizer guns. I asked the General for a favor so that no one would get hurt if possible. If any of the soldiers get injured, I'll take care of it. The General agreed, so he provided tranquilizer guns. After all, this mission was also a retrieval operation.

Sky will not be joining me in the fight because he will lead the second group consisting of Dao and Carlo. They would approach the remote's origin. Maica, Trisha, and the rest of the Enigma will be our surveillance team. Of course, they'd monitor from the bunker since it was too dangerous on the surface.