Death’s Door

After we all grouped up again, Finn began to speak to us all about the dangers of the place. "-Pretty much, you would all definitely die if I wasn't here. That being said, I will not help unless I deem intervention completely necessary. Gaining Divinity this way is dangerous, but it is possible for gods such as yourselves to lose a limb or two and still live. Hell, you could lose all your limbs and live still… Just make sure that if something like that happens, you flood your body with Mana from your Soulscape. Anyways, let's start heading towards my gas giant!"

Finn had sounded ecstatic about the whole situation. Obviously, this little adventure was like a little picnic to him, but for us it was real. There was an actual possibility and threat of death. 'I will gain a Divinity here, no matter the cost.'