Training Arc

I focused on the male as he dashed towards me in a blur. Surprisingly, he seemed to be extremely faster than me. His feet seemed to weave in a particularly strange manner. His hand also flicked through the air meaningfully as he grabbed a wooden sword and then slammed it directly across the middle of my stomach. 

I bent over double and then stumbled back a few steps as the dragon merely looked at me with an evil smile stretched across his face. "You bastard… I haven't even picked up my sword yet…"

The dragon's eyes slitted and he began to rain down blow after blow on my body… And since I had formed nerves before receiving my most recent Divinity, his sword hurt like fucking hell!

After three minutes of completely beating the shit out of me, the red-haired dragon backed off a few steps. "Pick up your wooden sword, human…"

I slowly stood up as the bruises leaking blue Mana began to slowly, but visibly heal up.