Investment In The Future

As the Creator stepped from the portal, she looked at Gore and then turned to me. "So, Travel- or do you prefer Travis? What do you want? I already know, but I want to hear your pitch."

I cleared my throat to appear as business-like as possible. "Ahem, Creator mam, I do prefer Travis. As for my pitch, here it is: Imagine a massive man, but it's made of thick Mana metal and can output a person's Mana as easily as a spaceship. 

Imagine being able to use the machine that looks like a massive man as easily as if it was truly an extension of your body, because it would have a… Huge di… Ahem, I mean it would come with a massive sword that is an equipment that further enhances the Mana output and can be used to fire certain necessary spells… Would you be interested in creating something like that for me? I think the fighters are kinda stupid."