What Is the Meaning of Life?

In the eternal night, I drifted, being endlessly flayed and split by the vicious currents of the blackhole. It was an extremely strange feeling. The further I traveled into the blackhole, the slower the speed I seemed to be traveling at.

In the darkness, I had no way of telling time. Had it been years? Decades? Millenia? I didn't know, but I was starting to become insane. My growth had stagnated. I had run through the experiences of my life several million times. 

I had pondered through and had conquered every single conundrum I had ever encountered. There was nothing left for me to think about. 

In the eternal darkness my mind grew numb. My thoughts halted. My existence began to disappear, not because I had died, but because there was nothing at all to experience. 

That was when it happened. It was a feeling that I had not felt for a very very long time, it was my body.