WebNovelMad House70.00%


"3 minutes."

The man's words hung in the air, while his eyes carrying the same frigid intensity as when they had first crossed paths. An icy cold gaze that was profound with a sense of betrayal, as if the trust they had built had suddenly shattered into countless shards watching the two of them from above.

'Bastard! Liar! '

Jae's thoughts churned as he tightly clenched his fists, making his knuckles turn white. He saw a smug smirk carved on his lips as he locked eyes with Jae, fully aware of the turmoil he had incited. His eyes flickered with a mix of anger, hurt, and a profound sense of betrayal as he watched blood trickle from his fresh wound that was even created by the person he once tried to protect....His own twin sister.


Just then, Jae's attention turned to soo-ah, calling his name with her gentle voice as before.


His heart ached as much as his wound,seeing his own twin sister, looking like a mess.

She was all covered in blood, whoever owned it.

As he moved closer to Soo-ah, Jae's body suddenly froze like a statue when, all of a sudden, Soo-ah erupted into a fit of laughter, echoing through the room like a wild cackles of a maniac.


Her laughter was filled with a frenzied intensity, as if she had completely lost touch with her sanity, causing Jae's entire being to tremble.

Just then, as Jae gripped the gun on his trembling hands.


He accidentally pulls a trigger the moment Soo-ah launches like a wild boar.


A loud siren had echoed inside,but it feels like everything just went blank. It's as if Jae's world had shattered looking at his own twin sister's body lying on the floor, mixing with her own blood and dirtying the white marbled floor.




As repeated words echo in his mind, he keeps mumbling the same word from his mouth.


"Ha! No! My sister! I killed my sister!"

As people in a white coat dragged Soo-ah's body, Jae was left with a continuous murmur, bathing in his own sweat and blood, trickling on the floor, when all of a sudden... *SLAP!*..... His face had almost turned 360 degrees when the man barely slapped him straight in the face.

"You disappoint me!"

He stated, but Jae was not in the right mind to answer.

Tsk! ....I know your mother will think the same."

Hearing it, Jae's eyes widen so much that they don't blink, he just stares into his face with a petrifying smirk on his lips.


He chuckled as he looked at him.


"Of course she will-

He paused.

-because I killed my sister."

Seeing his hesterecally laughing face as he shed with pair of blank-widening eyes, the man was left speechless for the first time.


"Sent him to the dark room."

He just heard him say that before he was left all alone in the room with a door that was made of rusty steel, where no window and even a small hole where the light could enter could be seen. It's as if Jae had fallen into a pit of darkness and despair, or had they already? .....without knowing? ....

As days passed, turning into weeks and months, inside the dark room was a silent Jae. No one heard about him ever since he was sent into that room. No one even knew if he still breathed. As everyone knew, once you entered there, no food was allowed to be given, let alone a glass of water. It was like being sent into that room was like hell.....or is it just the place where you slowly lost yourself?


"Bro.....brother, are you there?"

Just when month passed, a familiar voice he once knew had echoed outside of his cell; it was calm yet it felt unreal.

When a boney Jae walked with a trembling leg towards the door, he knew he wasn't hallucinating.

"Soo-ah?! You're alive!"

Jae's face lit up as if the guilt he has been carrying for month had vanish, but when he suddenly heard a muffled crying coming from her, he began to worry.

"Soo-ah? Are you okay?! Is something wrong?!"

He questioned continuously, but none of them answered. It was then the moment he never expected that when the door had slowly opened... *CREAK* Soo-ah had welcomed Jae with only one eye, and seeing his brother on that feature like a walking bamboo stick, Soo-ah had started laughing as if the screws on her head were already loose.


She laughs as her brother stares at him confusedly when...all of a sudden, *DRIP! *.....

A crystal liquid had fallen into her eyes.


"I killed her brother...

Tears continue to drip from her eyes while she embraces him into his arms, who's staring blankly at the air.

I killed Becca! "

Upon hearing it, Jae didn't say a word, knowing that she did not even remember her face but only the smile carved on her lips. Everyone's face was blurred to him. The only thing he knew was that both of them were bawling with their eyes covered in a white fluid coming out of their eyes.


As their laughter filled the air, a thought ran through his mind.

He, who was uncertain about their future, had known one thing for sure....

'This place.... will slowly devour.....our sanity.'

The weight of their surroundings seemed to press upon their minds, eroding their sanity bit by bit, leaving them trapped in a twisted reality they could no longer escape from.