WebNovelMad House80.00%


13 years later...



The man in black suits had groan covering his eyes when a thread poked straight into them, blurring his vision with his own blood.

"Ops! Yours is not my type."

A lady wearing fitted black jeans and a top chuckled, covering her mouth as she wore a psychopathic grin, throwing threaded-needles in every eye of the man in a black suit.

"Don't play around, Soo-ah."

Stated by Jae, who's face had gotten quite mature.


She rolled her eyes as she pulled the needles all together and caught the eye balls of the man she got interested in, leaving them rolling on the ground while some left like a cold corpse in a blood lost.

"Say it to yourself!"

As Soo-ah shouted in annoyance, Jae had form a smirk on his lips when he held firmly into the hand of the man.


Hearing his crackling bones, Jae couldn't get enough and charged towards them with a gun he had stolen from their hands, covering the entire hall with their blood.

'Ha! More! More! '

His excitement was overflowing, seeing blood come out of their bodies.

When they fought like maniacs, breaking and playing with their bodies like toys, the man wearing senatorial attire took the opportunity to crawl out of the scene.

'Demon! They are demons from hell! '

He thought as he saw them even tear off and chop the bodies of his bodyguards like a butcher. No!-even worse than a monster or a devil.


He froze on the spot as he heard Jae clicks the head of a pen! A pen in front of him.

"HA! Tha-that thing will not ki-kill me."

He trembled on the floor as his eyes locked up on him.

Jae looks at it before he spins it on his hands, staring down at the senator, who's now covered in blood from crawling on the floor.

"Want me to try?"

His voice gave him chills that made him continued to crawl out like a worm.


It made him pull his hair back.

"You shouldn't betray my father like that."

He stated, with a cold voice that reminded him of the man in a coat.

"He's a monster! And so are you!-

Before he could even finish his words, he had already stabbed by a tactical pen in his spine, followed by his nape and head, right straight to his skull.

As soon as he took out the pen from his head, Soo-ah approached him, holding a dagger in her hands.

"What are you doing?"

He frowned when he started scanning his eyes.

"Do you need one?"

She asks mockingly as she takes off the senator's hazel eyes.

Watching her twin sister put it straight into her pouch that was tainted with a red spot, both of them were alarmed the moment the lights had turned off from the entire hall.

"Freeze! Don't move!"

Countless armed persons had entered as they pointed guns at them, wearing night vision glasses.

"Get the senator!"

He states that made Soo-ah burst into laughter.


"-Shut it."

Jae affirmed, as Soo-ah knew he meant it to the people with stupid night vision goggles.

"Really? This was the most stupid thing to do."

He swiftly vanished from their sight as soon as the man fired him with bullets.

'There's no way this thing will not work! '

The man thought as he showered him with bullets, when all of a sudden he felt an arm wrapping around his head....*CRACK! *

As soon as the light comes back on, Jae finds Soo-ah digging into his eyes like some kind of gem while holding her own Minnie pouch as usual.

"Are they that pretty?"

He asks as he wipes the blood that splashes into his lips.


She states with a smile on her face before they found themselves walking on the same white-painted corridors and halls.

"Go to your room."

Jae commanded as Soo-ah followed him from behind.

When they arrived at a double door, Jae immediately entered, closing the door straight in her face.

As soon as Jae entered, he took off his long sleeve shirt, revealing the scars on his bodies, as one of the people wearing a white lab coat had injected him with some drugs he did not know.

'It's different from last time."

He thought as he felt it run through his veins before they put a wire on his bare skin.


He thought as he was put inside a tube-like tub that was filled with water while wearing an oxygen mask on his nose.

Feeling the vibration of the electricity crawling in his head, Soo-ah, on the other hand, had placed the eye balls of her victims into a cylindrical jar before taking off her prostetic eye.


Sirene of police cars and ambulances arrive at the scene, leaving other cops petrified, seeing the most horrendous crime ever recorded in history right in front of their eyes.


One wearing a police uniform had shouted as soon as he slipped, falling his butt right straight on the floor.

Seeing it, his face flushed with embarrassment when he noticed the scornful look from his captain.


He even heard his co-officer state, that it made him want to bury himself under ground.

When.....All of a sudden, just before he stood up, an inspector walked towards the scene.

"A human would never do this...

He paused.

.....It was sure made by a monster."