WebNovelMad House90.00%


If I probably ask a question about what place a sinner will go to repent for his sin, you will probably answer the church.

Some will also state that only those whose intent is pure can pray to God, but have you ever seen a killer pray before he commits a crime?....

'St. Patrick's Orphanage'

A place that seems so holy, like its name,where you can see people silently pledging, praying for something in their minds, has always wear a malicious grin on their mouth.

'Give me the power to end the world.'

The man silently prays, holding a rosary in his hands.

'Make me an amazing killer like no one else.'

Some couldn't even handle their desires, scratching the chair in front while kneeling on the ground. Their hands were itchy enough to chop the heads of anyone in their mind.

As the hymn of the choir played as they prayed...*CREACK! * The door slowly opens, revealing the two people who are actually copies of one another. As they sat in front, the priest had formed a smile—a smile of a demon.

"HA—speak of the devil, Satan twins had finally arrived."

His voice sounded in awe as he looked at them from behind.

"I'll make sure to defeat them!"

Murmured by the other while their fists gritted in anger.

When the priest walked in front of them to speak, holding a bible in his hand, all of them closed their mouths shut.

"As we have arrived to see another day, we have to be grateful to God."

He paused, wearing a grin on his lips like a demon, while raising his arms in the air.

"You all must be grateful to live and shed another blood! "


"Let's all stand and feel the prescenes of the Lord!"

He declared as he got the bottle on his table and started showering the people inside with holy water-No! It was a blood that originally came from the senator that the twin had just killed.

"Peace be with you."

They stated while their faces were covered in a creepy smile, feeling the blood on their skin as the priest showered them with destructive blessings.

When the holy mass had ended, the place was covered in blood. One by one, they get the book that is disguised as a bible behind the long wooden chair in front of them, revealing the faces of different people inside.

And as soon as Jae opened it...

'Target: Park Minho, the only son of a superintendent who's currently in a military academy.'

Aside from what was stated above, Jae had quitely read what was written as a motive from below.

'His son was needed to be killed in order to continue the drug transactions and experiments that were currently being investigated by his father.....


Class mission: SS.'

As he reads what was inside the fake holy book he was holding, a man who has the same features they remember as a kid throws the book in his hands.

"This is bullshit!"

His voice echoed inside the chapel.

"How can I get a D-rank mission when we were the one who got here first?!"

He irritatedly questioned with a flaring look on his eyes that he was throwing at the twins, who's silently sitting in front.

When Jae stood up, his blood boiled even more seeing his blank gaze that pierced him.


He affirmed as he walked out of the chapel. Walking beside him was a man with sleepy eyes who glanced at them before he followed the man who's face flushed with hatred.

Jae even heard him mumble the word 'Traitor.' on his mouth.

"That was fierce; however, both of you need to go now."

The priest had stated with a beam of a smile.

"Your father had prepared something for the both of you."

He added that as they walked out of the door.

They were welcomed by the children in white as they headed into their quarters when they passes by at the place where Jae had remembered something in his mind.

"In the word of the Lord, may you be blessed with blessings."


As the innocent tone of a voice speak, Jae saw a picture of him as a kid who bathed himself into a pool of blood behind the glasses, looking at him with lifeless eyes.

"Are you planning to murder one?"

Soo-ah spoke, which made him come to his senses.

"Do you?"

He tilted his head as he smiled, leaving Soo-ah giggling like a psycho.

When they continue to walked for another minute, they arrived in their separate quarters that looks like prison cells, where they entered a pitch-black room, as they were welcomed by the envelope on their table and when they rip it open... their faces have gotten serious.

"Execute the mission perfectly, and I'll give you the answer."

It was written in red ink inside a piece of paper that was now crampled in their hands as soon as they read it.


After reading it, Soo-ah laughs hesterecally while Jae burns it into ashes inside his room, and before the blaze of fire had vanished from his sight, a wooden box had caught Jae's attention.

'Your lucky that you've both had parents before Father took you here, unlike us. We are all abandoned.'

His head throbbed as a girl with a blurred face popped out of his mind.

"HA-I am worse than a devil to forget your face, let alone your name."

He stated with disappointment as he held a familiar handkerchief in his trembling hands.