WebNovelMad House100.00%


Perched atop a secluded mountain peak, a prestigious military academy lay concealed, its secrets known only to a privileged few, but within its heavily guarded walls where heroes are said to be born, is a hidden danger loomed—a wolf hidden in a sheep's clothing, ready to kill his prey.

"So, are you already in for tomorrow?"

Soo-ah asks, wearing an eye loupe in one of her eyes, busily crafting something in her hands.

"Make me something."

He requested leaning on the door with his arms crossed at each other.

As she heard it, she paused and looked in his direction.

"For a show?"

Her smile grew wider, but Jae's smirk on his face was different from hers.

"Make it dramatic."

They both have a menacing, creepy smile on their faces as they look at each other; it's just like they are both looking into their own reflection...

As the tall young man appeared in the crowd, everyone's eyes fixed on him as he wore leather black boots paired with the uniform of a prestigous military academy.

"What the hell?"

The man stated as he walked past him.

"His looks were something."

He heard him and the others whisphering about him when, all of a sudden...*THUD! *...Jae trip on the stone that was the size of an ant.

"Something so ordinary-


Then they all started laughing watching him try to fix his eyeglasses on his freckled cheeks, and when he was about to stand up from the muddy ground, *PLUCKED! *...He was pushed deeper into the ground as someone pushed him right into the mud, stomping him with his feet.


He whisphered in his ears.

Hearing his voice, Jae was smiling wide in his mind as he acted as if he was trying to get up.

"Who the hell put a bimbo like you here?"

His voice sounded like a threat as he pulled him on his hair.

"Ge-get off of me!"

He tried to kick the air when he accidentally- No! He intentionally splashes mud right straight into his face.

As he felt the icky texture of dirt covering his face, his eyes flared in anger, tightly gripping his hair as he wiped the mud on his cheeks.

Seeing it, Jae knew he had already succeded halfway with his plans.

'Ah.... Bong Insup was someone who had a deep grudge against Park Minho. An immature man with a nasty personality-

His eyes squinted behind muddy glasses.

-my perfect pawn.'

Seeing his face covered in dirt, Insup's companions started giggling as they laughed at him, pointing at his dirty face.


He immediately turned mute as the man beside him suddenly hit him with his elbow, especially after noticing the nerve-wracking look in Insup's eyes.

"Ha! Fuck it!"

He cursed as he pushed back his hair, smashing Jae's face into the dirt.

"Who do you think you are?! Huh?!"

As he was being beaten into pulp, on the other side was a man with a tan complexion and a manly figure.

Everytime he took a step, they all keep looking at him with awe.


The man in a uniform called as he catch up to him.

"Is this the list of all new students?"

He asked as the man saluted him before handling the papers in one folder.

As he was flipping through the data of all the newbies, what caught his attention was a young man with a weak figure and glasses....and just as he was near at the camp....

"Someone stop them!"

He heard them shout as he ran in their direction.


His voice was deeper than the roaring thounder.

"What is this commotion?!"

As they heard his voice, all of them immediately lined up and saluted with their hands.

"What do you think you're doing?"

He paused.

Mr. Bong Insup."

Hearing his name come from his mouth, everyone had started mumbling that made him grit his hands as he trembled in anger.

"I think you still haven't learned from your past mistakes."

He looks at him as if he was looking at a filthy insect.

"I think you have even forgotten how to greet your commander, executive officer! Bong. Insup."

It made him clench his teeth.

"Salute sir!"

Just then, he reached his hands on Jae as he ignored Insup on the spot.

"Mr. Hyeon Ganwo, change your clothes; the ceremony will start in a minute."

With a smile, he extended his hand, and a mischievous smirk played across Jae's mind as he heard him refer to him by his fabricated name.

'Park Minho... found you! '

30 minutes earlier...

"Park Minho is a righteous person; he was assigned to a high position not because of influence by his father; he made it on his own, and I need an identity to get his attention."

Her twin sister had gotten a box.

"Dramatically speaking, this one will do."

Instead of being happy, Jae scorns.

"Don't take it if you won't accept it, you ungrateful bastard!"

Soo-ah irritatedly stated just to be left speechless when Jae showed him what was inside the box.

......A flesh of a human face.

She took it immediately and handed him the other one.

"Give it! I was actually about to give you this one."

Just then,  she hands him a real mask that's made out of silicon.