Canceled Project

As Nathan waited for the call to connect, he made up his mind to sound as cheerful as purpose so that Isabella wouldn't suspect that he wasn't okay.

Knowing her, if she so much as suspected that he wasn't okay, she would pester him until he opens up to her, and he didn't want that.

So, the moment the call connected her cleared his throat, "Hey, Princess, how are you?"

"To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" Anabella asked dryly but he could hear the happy smile in her voice.

"To love. I miss you. How are you?" he said, and she giggled.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good," he said but she wasn't convinced.

"You don't sound good to me. There is something in your voice. Sounds like you were upset. Is it about Ruby? Is she still not letting you guys see her?" she asked, sounding genuinely concerned since she had been following him up on Ruby's state.