Six Weeks From Now

After Nathan's phone conversation with his sister, he decided to text his mystery lady to see if she was still busy so he could discuss a possible link up with her. He went online and was pleasantly surprised to see her online.

[Hey, crazy. I see you're online.] he greeted with a waving emoticon.

[I was just about to check on you. How is your day going? Is there someone I need to scold?] she texted with a wink emoticon.

Reading her text made him smile. If there was one thing he loved so much about her, it was the fact that there was never a dull moment when chatting with her. She had a very cheerful vibe.

[I'm exhausted. I just want to chat with you.] Nathan texted back.

[Exhausted? You sound as though you are sad or upset.]

Nathan's brow rose. [How can you tell if I'm upset when you can't even see me or hear my voice?]

[It's a feeling. I think I can sense your mood.] she texted, and Nathan smiled.