Ch-40:Killing Family

Sometime before the invasion actually began, Fenlie Zwigo was with plenty of women as he was thinking of the best step to find the one who ran away perfectly.

He wasn't stupid enough to think of this as a mere coincidence since the timing of the war and Rio's escape literally matched the time he departed for the Agat Empire.

After contemplating for just a few minutes, he decided to take over this world completely to find the runaways since he was plenty sure he'd get the information that he needed.

Unknowingly, he hit the nail on the head since it was Raon or Rio who witnessed and even got information regarding ascending from his masters.

"Let's leave" Zwigo ordered everyone as they swiftly left, but he stopped a few kilometers away from the Agat Empire.

"Raze everything to the ground here" Zwigo ordered without even turning around, deciding the fate of billions on a whim.

Everyone who followed him swiftly carried out his orders, as the Agat and the Cloud Sea Empires were destroyed in less than a week.

All that was left in their place were ruins that depicted that someone lived here in the past alongside some deserts who escaped and returned or were lucky enough to be absent at the site during the razing.

The news reached far, but no one, including Daiyu Sacred Land, took any action regarding the event, as if it didn't bother them in the least.

Unfortunately, Zwigo had to accelerate his plans to take over Hexacuran since the time for the next millennium competition was approaching.

The need for a hurry caused them to just take over every large power and use it to manage the weaker ones as their subordinates in a pyramid system of hierarchy.

The one at the top was undoubtedly Zwigo since his grandfather had passed away due to being unable to ascend as his lifespan ended before he could break the barrier.

He was the strongest across the multiple worlds, with various subordinates being just a realm or two below him, aiding the overall strength.

The females that he wooed were completely devoted to him, so he didn't have to doubt their loyalty to him, leaving them to work at different levels according to their strength and influence.

Coming back to the continent Raon was currently living on, Zwigo's forces were fighting vigorously since Zwigo didn't focus on this demon-beast continent as it wasn't a priority.

His goal was to take over the powers that represented major powers across every world so that when he ascended, he would already have a very strong influence in the upper realm.

Unfortunately, just like his grandfather, he also felt instinctively that he was lacking something to ascend successfully, making him risk everything and take over different worlds.

Raon was unaware of the recent activities, as he had long since known that something was amiss with Fenlie Zwigo, making him improve his empire's strength as fast as possible.

Raon was smart enough to figure out that he didn't have any traitors since they had their souls on the line, and it was totally random for this continent to be raided.

He didn't go out of his way to reveal his presence since he couldn't care about demon beasts who weren't his allies but were just using him.

Obviously, they wanted his help because the invaders were mercilessly slaughtering countless young and weak demon beasts, as they were far stronger.

It was like the demon beasts who lived through strength tyranny amongst themselves were angered that some puny humanoid species did this to them.

Of course, Raon didn't want them to lose, so he sneaked into the battlefields and killed thousands of the invaders, to the point that he wouldn't get any suspicions from either side.

Well, he was doing it every day at various fronts where the battles were raging in full glory with blood and corpses strewn across the ground, marring the entire forest with a deathly scene.

Due to the massive amounts of blood and carcasses splattered on the ground, it had already started wafting a sharp metallic stench that made the mood on both sides gloomy.

The invaders were apparently the residents of his own world and not another, as Zwigo's followers just led them to war, acting as the commanders to get the best results with the bare minimum of costs.

The war continued like that for several weeks to months as most of the demon-beast continent was annexed by the invaders, with the population of demon-beasts dwindling.

Countless humanoid species could be called upon from across the planet as reinforcements, but the demon beasts couldn't reproduce to match their death rate, nor did they have that many teleportation formations.

Without much of a choice, they surrendered and accepted the condition that stated no full-on frontal wars would take place but hunting each other would still continue for various reasons.

Of course, the stronger demon beasts didn't like that, but they were on the losing end, and it was more beneficial to both sides, so they regrettably accepted it.

The issue arose regarding the elusive Rio Kigost von Liakroso, who hadn't been found despite gaining control over eighty percent of the civilized settlements in this world.

The demon beasts didn't reveal his existence because they didn't care about him, as their deal had been completed, and they weren't enemies or allies to be bothered about it.

Of course, Raon didn't like the way things progressed despite his intervention at various crossroads, so he used continental portals to reach other continents.

He killed entire cities and kingdoms that aligned with Zwigo because he couldn't do anything to vent his frustration. After all, they were the same people who accepted his rule.

Raon was much more vulnerable and inhumane at the moment, and he ended up forming various rebels across the continents that veiled their existence from everyone.

His group continued living in plain sight while scouting the various individuals with negative feelings and enough courage to go against Zwigo.

Across the continents, various rebellions occurred that destroyed multiple cities and towns and killed billions of people as the rebels were killed.

They were completely wiped out, but not without a fight, as they caused great damage to the ones who came to take them down, as they were ready to burn their lifespan.

Unfortunately, it was all for naught as Raon heard of the most unfortunate news that he could, which was that some females of the Tesra Family and Tenke Clan were wooed by Zwigo.

While the Tesra Family sent their females, the Tenke clan was forced into it due to the deceitful actions of Zwigo that could force any female to be charmed by him.

The first thoughts striking Raon's mind were what happened to Arialyn, or Aria (his younger sister), Antonia (Lia's sister), and Raelyn (his older sister).

After sneaking around in regards to their information, he found that Raelyn and her family were dead because Zwigo, for the first time in his life, failed to charm a female who committed suicide as well as killed her own family.

Antonia had faced the same fate as any other female, but Raelyn had killed her upon finding out about it and also took Antonia's family in to protect them but ended up killing them too.

Unfortunately, Arialyn resisted as much as she could, but she failed to due to the power gap, yet she managed to injure Zwigo before suffering a fate worse than death and committing suicide.

Even if Raon hadn't spent much time with them, he still felt immense rage upon uncovering what they experienced and how their backgrounds, omitting that, served Zwigo.

He decided to take revenge for their sake due to the unquenchable rage and hatred overcoming him, yet he could control himself as he formulated the best course of action.

What he did was something no one would expect since he directly attacked various regions across different continents to distract the people, which was an easy-to-spot tactic.

Yet, without knowing the target of the one committing such acts, it led to the desired results that were causing chaos and disarray among the common populace.

In dire moments, he went out and attacked their warehouses, stealing various resources needed for cultivation, construction, alchemy, blacksmithing, talisman making, and various other needs.

This seemed to indicate to the protectors that the perpetrators' goal was to loot their respective resources, but what no one could expect happened afterward.

Right under his nose, Raon went ahead and attacked the base of some renowned powers, making them reach the stage of paupers as he destroyed them completely.

During such raids, he didn't forget to steal cultivation techniques, manuals, weapon arts, and anything he saw of value because it'd be meaningless to attack just to kill.

His last steps were the most brutal, as he went ahead and massacred entire cities under the Tenke Clan and Tesra Family, signifying his pent-up rage towards their unfairness.

He didn't stop there, though, as he went one step further to kill every single one of them that carried their bloodline, ignoring any previous blood ties that he had with them.

With this complete, he vanished completely, which led to various theories and rumors roaming the land, but the most dire consequence was Zwigo's attention.

Zwigo visited the most recent places that had been attacked himself since none of his subordinates could stop these attacks despite his strategic placement of them at unexpected places.

He was a very good tactician and war veteran, as he immediately recognized that the cause of all these attacks was just one person.