
Feeling a familiar weight on me I shifted a little trying to get more comfortable

" what,your not going to throw me off you..are you feeling alright?"I groaned " I'm too exhausted from yesterday."

" ohh good to know. " I felt her tail slither to my pants an try to get inside " damn it woman! " I slapped her tail away causing her to giggle

Sitting up I rubbed my eyes and yawn " I'm surprised your tired considering it's payday I would thi-." she watched stunned as I jolted out of the bed suddenly full of Adrenaline she laughed quickly following after me



a few hours later I was standing in front of a mag railway about to board the shuttle that was floating near a platform allowing people to board an leave it " are you coming back. " selsa asked me with obvious sadness

"I don't know...I told you before I only came here to earn enough money so I can try to get my magic back. " she wanted to say something else but a chime rang out across the arena

" shit got to go." I stepped forward hugging her " thank you for everything, hope to see you soon." I turned running to the shuttle before it departed

Selsa looked on with a sad expression " you silly naive man " she sighed moving back to the wall


I stood in front of the high tech church feeling nervous an unsure " this has to work and when it does I'll be able to see my family again...right. " the familiar demon voice didn't chastised me making me honestly feel a bit alone

Ignoring my doubts and not wanting to talk to myself anymore I entered the church getting greeted by the same female yeťis priestess that helped me last time

" o welcome back little human I assume you're here for the same reason as last time ." I nodded to her question smiling she extended one of her four arms that had a bracelet on it ,I did the same

After hearing a ding she told me to follow her leading me to a raised square platform with a couple stairs leading to it

" stand on the platform please." I did as she said an stood in the middle of the platform

" great sion please scan this soul so I may understand it's true purpose " after her little prayer lights shot all over my body scanning me ' this is definitely not weird at all '

After the lights disappeared she seemed to stare looking in one direction before rubbing her chin seemingly in deep thought "is something wrong " I asked guessing she was looking at some kinda stats about me

She looked at me seemingly debating if she was going to say something " see all things have a true name but you don't just have one you have two an one of them I can't see like your missing a part of your soul "

I thought about what she had said ' how would I be missing a part of my soul did I take to much damage before I died ' I kept thinking until a unnerving thought entered my mind

' she said I had two true names does that mean...'

" but that's not all that's a bit weird the true name I can see is strange as well " my thoughts we're interrupted by what she said

I looked at her waiting to hear the name

" it's only two words, universe's promise " I stood there not sure what to make of it " the fuck does that mean "

She shrugged " I said it was strange usually true names more describe someone like burning passion of fire or quick as the moving wind maybe if I was able to see the other one it would make more sense "

" will this affect getting my magic back " I asked worried I was screwed over " no not at all this is just a formality really follow me please " she lead me down a flight of stairs to a secluded room with a tube chamber in the middle with its door open

" please step inside " once inside the door swung shut an locked getting a bad feeling the chamber suddenly shot under ground before stopping in a under ground room

There were other people like me inside tubes stacked on top of each other as white light swirled around each occupant while they screamed in silent pain that I couldn't hear

Around them a few yeťis walked around looking at some of the tube others staring of into the distance tapping the air every now an then

I think I got a hint of what they were doing and what I got myself into

they were using all these people's soul energy to power something and used the church above to lure in their victims main those who were seeking help like me mostly

I sighed as my chamber came to a stop at the bottom of a new section that didn't have a lot of people a yeťis came over tapping the air a couple " don't suppose your willing to let me out of here

He either ignored me or couldn't hear what I said I felt my soul start to be siphoned like it did in the mech but ten times strong almost making me scream in pain it was also getting stronger every second

' I guess that makes it three worlds now ' that strange thought broke past the pain drawing a chuckle from me that turned into a maniacal laughter as I banged my head on the door in front of me

" why,why...does it always have to be like this why is this how beings are i dont understand " I kept repeating those last words over and over again

I stopped when a strange symbol appeared in front of me outside the chamber without thinking I traced it when I completed it purple sparks started shooting of it surprising the yeťis that came over to check out the ruckus I caused

A fully armored man seemed to step out of thin air right in front of me he had a classic look of a knight just a little more sleek their was a scar on the visor going diagonally from left to right in the shape of a bolt of lightning

Ignoring the panicked yeťis the man kneeled " I am ajalentem the lightning guardian what are your orders " I didn't stay in shock long

" get me out of here I want to kill them " despite the chamber being soundproof he heard me standing up he got into a stance pulled back his arm an threw a punch shattering the chambers door

As soon as the glass shattered red lights started blinking while a alarm started to blare

I slowly stepped out of the chamber as the blinking lights gave the room a ominous feeling the only sound besides the alarm was glass crunching under my feet

Looking at the yeťis not far from me I smiled because for the first time in months I could finally feel the comforting embrace of my connection to mana an my elements

A blue bolt traveled across my body then lick my cheek before dispersing " I missed you too." I bolted forward appearing in front of the yeťis that was studying me

Grabbing its head I pulled it back smashing him into the ground then twisting I threw the yeťis across the room into another one that was about to grab a weapon

" aj. " I jumped landing on a giant shield that appeared with ajalentem bending slightly he catapulted me through the air at the two yeťis twisting mid air I increased my gravity last second delivering a devastating kick to both the yeťis's heads making the whole room shake

Although we were damn near immortal here still having ones head caved In was certainly one way to permanently kill someone

Hearing a roar to my side I moved out of the way of two arms that tried to punch shifting behind them I kicked the back of their knee making them lose balance an fall to one knee

Climbing on to their shoulders I pulled two bit of sharp glass to my hands stabbing them into the yeťis's eyes causing it to let out a pained roar

Using my weight I pulled them to the ground before stomping on its face repeatedly it tried to block me but it was useless with my elements back behind me a door slid open revealing a squad of armor yeťis holding energy shields and rifles ready to fire

Ajalentem bolt behind me shield raised causing the Lazers from the rifles to split apart past us

Raising his hand a beautiful golden halberd manifested into it moving slightly he threw the halberd at the enemies causing a Shockwave an making them break apart

Using the attack as cover I threw a punch at one of the guards on the right he dodged it easily but he wasn't quick enough to dodge ajalentem who delivered a punch of his own

As the yeťis got lifted of his feet from the force of the impact ajalentem spun grabbing the yeťis slamming them into the other two forcing them against the wall

Grabbing the halberd sticking up from the ground were ajalentem threw I let out a roar as I pierced through all three pinning them to the wall I stood there panting as ajalentem finished them off then retrieve his halberd although this wasn't really physically exhausting I was a bit mentally drained

But I didn't get much time to catch my breath because there was more movement in the hallway clapping my hand I had my lightning coat my right hand an extend out in the shape of a blade

I lunged towards the sounds but stopped before the blade made contact the lightning dissipating

Grabbing the familiar snake woman I threw her against the wall " o my I did know you were into rough play I like it " she teased

" why are you here " my body trembled " are you a part of this hav- " she shut me up with the tip of her tail seeing that I had a hold of her arms " I'm here to save you but it seems they needed the saving " she said looking over at the body's that were slowly disappearing

" I know you probably have a lot of questions but you'll need to save them for later" down the hall a big group of soldiers lined up blocking our path

But before they were able to fire a box with a handle appeared in the middle of them playing a upbeat tune as it's crank turned reaching its apex a toy clown popped out releasing a psionic wave making the entire ground go still before Bursting into uncontrollably laughter

All their heads suddenly got separated from their bodies followed by a burst of wind as a tall pale man with blood red eyes and a gorgeous silver claymore floating behind him appeared to the side of use

he gave me glance turning to selsa " it was reckless of you to rush ahead like that since you found him we need to get out of here fast " slesa nodded before looking at me " do you mind "

" right im sorry " I gently let go of her an we quickly started making our way out of the building when we came to a intersection with a path that to the left jest was taking cover holding a Lazer rifle as Lazers shot from the corridor in his direction

Seeing us he took out another one of those box toys cranking the handle the threw it were the shots were coming from a couple seconds later they stopped and jest joined us as we ran to make out escape waving at me in his usual silence

" it's good to see you again too " we ran turning a couple corners then came to a stop at a dead end were a familiar tree man was pulling on a hatch struggling selsa,jest

Seeing them all still struggle I moved them out of the way pulling on it with the help of my elements" wait do- " the pale man didn't speak fast enough the hatch was already off it's hinges stuck in the ceiling

The tree man was the first to go down the opening followed by jest and selsa the tall man followed after sighing hopping down after I ended up in a barely lit tunnel

Focusing on the hatch and the opening I slowly turned my hand counter clockwise

The hatch came of the ceiling followed by the hinges slowly reforming it's shape an covering the opening like it was never open cutting off the only source of light

But the darkness was chased away by fireflies that started swarming around the tree man " we still have a bit to go " the tall man said walking forward down a tunnel that looked like swears without the nasty water

Selsa slithered over to me " got your magic back " I nodded " yeah it's great to have them back but that's not the best " My smile grew wide

" it's that I can feel my bond with my wife again ." I focused on that feeling as it pulled me in a direction, for the first time since I got here I have tangible hope that I will see my family again