I stood on a wall that was surrounding a modern looking cityscape covered in ice an snow this was still behind the giant wall,but another at the very center of the stitch together city apparently it was a piece of the yeťis's homeworld at least that's what selsa had told me.
We were here because their little group were part of a faction that wanted to over throw the yeťis. " so what is it you want me too do " I asked a little confused why I was here the only reason I stayed with them was to repay what they did for me...and because half of them were my friends
" once you fully cross over you will be instantly detected, we need you too pull as many of there forces as you can away from the main compound as possible while we sneak past "the pale man said, for some reason he wouldn't tell me his name nor would the others
" then we will accompany you on your journey, we'll need to lay low after this so it's a win-win for all of us " selsa added.
"So basically you want me to make their sensors light up drawing their attention so they don't notice you sneaking in to deal with the boss...I can do that. "
" here put it in your ear an don't be afraid to use the buildings as cover most of them are empty and the ones that aren't just have more forces in them. " nodding I grabbed the pill shaped device putting it in my right ear.
" we will let you know if there are any updates good luck." the pale man said to the side of him jest gave me a thumbs up,the tree man wasn't paying attention to the conversation inspection some insect crawling across one of his branches
Selsa gave me a hug " stay safe. " nodding I did a couple stretches an squats before focusing on the frozen city in the distance I appeared on a tall building " this is going to be fun. "
I raised my right hand slowly forming a fist, beside me a skyscrapers base was crushed as it slowly rose into the air dropping bits of itself as it did
Rotating my arm in a throwing motion the skyscraper flew across the air crashing into and destroying multiple buildings leaving even more damage an causing great tremors through the entire city " that should get their attention real quick. "
And it did some kind of hover vehicle floated over shining a spotlight on me as troops and mechs surrounded me
I scanned the entire area, filled up with yeťis
" is everyone here...I really rather only do this once " I blew on my hands making me see my own breath as i rubbed them together, it was really cold
" surrender now or we will open fire " a cannon look gun aim at me from the hovering vehicles followed by the troops an mech on the ground.
I barely took a step forward when where I was at exploded from all sorts of Lazers and projectiles " did you get him." I said appearing behind the yeťis on the cannon as the smoke cleared
Giving me a surprised look they went for their sidearm, putting my hand on the vehicle I short circuited it with my lightning making it fall out of the sky like a brick
In a room with a bunch of screens showing a bunch of different areas an detectors teams of yeťis were scrambling " some one tell me what is happening ,why is the entire compound shaking! "
a yeťis taller then the rest yelled entering the surveillance room " umm...where under attack sir." the commander was shocked to hear someone was actually attacking them at the heart of their power " who dares to attack us! "
" it's hard to tell sir he is moving too fast for a good look his face is also being blurred by some unknown device, we have identified them as human or a similarspecies. " a section of the screens were showing the battle, two of their gliders were down and a blue bolt of lightning was making its way between each troops either killing them or flinging them out the way
The mechs could barely do anything do to the speed an proximity to allies " let's make things a bit more interesting. " the human said after taking out a quarter of the forces they had already sent and bolted deeper into the city
The commander smashed the wall next to him " send more men an box that bastard in I want him dead or captured for me to torture!" the already chaotic room got even worse as they struggled to deal with their intruder so nobody noticed the section of screens with a radar glitch out occasionally revealing a group moving towards them
Bracing myself against the ground with enough force to crack it I launched towards a four arm mech, in a blink of a eye I tore threw the metal cockpit an out the back holding a yeťis by the throat
" you should really make that stronger. " I said throwing them through a window into a nearby building as three mechs turned down the street I was on
Quickly stepping to the side I dodged a giant projectile then ducked a Lazer aimed for my head, doing a hop I barely got a missile to miss me then reverse trajectory flying back to the one who shot it making a slight smoke screen for me
Saluting I disappeared in a streak of lightning down a nearby alley as the scenery rushed past in a blur turning and twisting down every alley I came across until I suddenly got immobilized for a second by a strange trap but it was long enough for the mech nearby.
" got you!" I got ready to summon ajalentem but the attack I was expecting never came inside the cockpit opened to a surprised yeťis " wha-?" he was suddenly ejected out over a nearby building, I heard a sound like he hit a trash can
Trying not to laugh to hard I looked at the mech " hey I know you." sure enough it was the same spider mech as last time " thanks buddy but I should really get going... "the mech crawled in my way stomping one of it's front legs twice
" wha...you now what this would mean right " it came towards me lowering itself ' ok .' I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth an climbed into the cockpit grabbing the sticks.
Feeling my soul energy get sucked away the cockpit closed shrouding me in darkness until it reflected what was around me ,there was also a new thing happening this time the entire mech seem to get charged by my elements
The mech took of faster then it should have been capable of ready for a fight.
" sir the enemy has gained access to one of our mech some how. " on the screen a spider mech was destroying a squad of troops moving faster then should be able too and with more destructive power then it should hold.
" how is this happening our mech are soul locked. " nobody was able to give him a answer as he watched his men get played with like they were toddlers, unable to control his anger he slammed the arm rest of his chair
Just then a eternal alarm rang out
" commander someone is trying to force their way into the building. " a part of the screens switched showing a group of four huddled around a control panel as a lamia messed with it
The commander clicked his tongue " damn lower lifeforms active the defenses and recall a part of the force we have sent out " a few of the yeťis moved at his command but soon found themselves stumped
" defenses are not responding sir " one said as another one added " and our communication are down as well I can't reach the squads it will take time to restore "
" fine I'll deal with them myself " the space around him seemed to tremble as he left the surveillance room
Drifting away from a Lazer that was chasing me in the mech two conductors extended from the it crackling with lightning that shot out disabling the mech trying to destroy me.
" ghost you still alive out their " I heard selsa's voice in my ear, I pressed two fingers to my ear
" yeah and trying to stay that way what is it " I answered cutting down a squad that tried to fire a rocket at me "umm well you see I accidentally tripped the alarm an we can't get the door open "
I didn't say anything but my face was saying it all " hey I got their defenses and communications down I deserve some credit for that it wasn't easy you know. "
I sighed " can you get to the point I'm kinda fighting for my life acting as a distraction " I heard a cough from the other end " right sorry...is their anything you can do to help."
Rolling my eyes I got out of sight an climbed a nearby building looking towards were they we at, "enhance. " the view I was looking at zoomed In more so I could see better
looking at everyone I noticed the armored door she was talking about " take cover. " I told everyone " what ar-. "
" just do it !" I cut of her question as the antenna-like cannons came down " let's go half output an focus it on the door. " seeing them take cover an a reticle appear on the door I pulled the triggers on the sticks
The cannons charged with power like last time just a bit less intense, as the balls flew they spun on each other forming into a drill shape as it struck the armored door
A shield appeared blocking the Lazer for a couple seconds before it burned through it and the door opening a path, the group came out looking at the hole in shock
" how did you get control of a yeťis mech... nevermind thank you, you may want to join us now it won't be too long until they can talk with each other we may need your. "
I climbed down the building moving to their location,getting their I opened the cockpit hopping out " do you think you can hold them off until we get back."
The mech put four legs together in the front as a big energy shield covered most of the torso,the cannon came down merging into one giant gun while rocket pods opened waiting for targets " thank you. "
I quickly followed the group after they entered the hole in the door.