the cube

" serious how did you do it. " selsa asked as we rode a elevator to the heart of the compound

I shrugged " I don't know I just managed to reactive it out on the field ever since it seemed to like me. " selsa wanted to ask more but the doors slid open, ajalentem popped out blocking some Lazer fire

Motioning his hand forward the claymore behind him flew cutting the two yeťis's heads off,rushing forward we came to a sealed door with no control panel in sight.

Slithering to the side selsa brought out some tools cutting open the wall that was in front of her revealing a hidden terminal

After hacking for a few minutes the door opened,entering the cylinder shapes room with lines that pulsed with a white light on its wall we went to its center,we're a pure white cube sat in some kind of device.

Getting close selsa's eyes lit up as her hands moved in the air as fast as she could muster,feeling a pressure I looked up an my eyes went wide " aj " appearing beside selsa carried by a bolt he raised his shield in time to block the energy blade of a heavy axe.

The impact made the lightning knight's knees bend an armor crack" damn mystical beings." turning the attacker kicked ajalentem in the side sending him skidding away

Jumping into action a bulb flew towards the attacker wrapping them up in vines as around us everything turned into a reflection reflecting itself like a mirror room,using this I moved to at followed by the leader of our little group claymore in hand

" this won't nearly be enough to kill me!" the air trembled as we were flung away an he ripped free of the vines breaking the mirror room.

everyone tried to move but found them selves unable too but me,not expecting this I managed to kick the giant yeťis in the head making him stagger away from selsa before he could attack her, focusing around her I formed a sorta bubble that she could work normally in

" so your a star child as well...good this got more interesting. " I honestly was really nervous about facing this guy alone but it needed to be done isolating the space around me from his control I got into a fighting stance

Even then I was barley able to react when he appeared in front of me lashing out with his axe ,at the last moment I spun over it delivering a kick to his head.

Using his free upper arm he blocked it throwing a punch,side stepping it i grabbed his arm flipping him over me aiming to smash him into the ground head first,but some how the yeťis flipped his axe switching hands mid-flip lashing out again

Disappearing an reappearing above the yeťis I increased my gravity making sure to hit him hard,but instead of slamming into the ground he activated a body shield that absorbed most of my attack

"That's cheating not fair." I said dodging another axe attack from a odd angle putting some space between us, clapping my hands together I kept my left one fixed as I pulled the other one back with lightning connecting them that looked sharp somehow

" lightning arrow. " the lightning shot through the air quicker than I could blink striking the big yeťis ,as he flew back he stuck the blade of his axe into the ground to stop himself

Materializing sold bolts of lightning in my hands I let loose a barrage on him throwing as fast as I could making sure to twist my body to add more force most shattered harmlessly on his shield but a couple did manage to get through hurting him

Letting out a furious roar the yeťis threw his axe at me teleporting to it just as I had dodged allowing him to strike my side with it

Letting out a pained grunt as the axe bit into me I flew across the room tumbling on the ground until coming to a stop splayed out ,ajalentem appeared in a flash blocking his follow up attack

Doing my best to ignore the pain as my very soul leaked out of my body I rushed to deliver a counter attack reaching out for my staff forgetting I didn't have it, to my surprise a certain claymore took it's place coming to me.

Accepting my elements The blade split apart pulsing with power forming a energy blade of it's own ,kicking ajalentem away he parried the energy blade knowing his shield wouldn't withstand it

The battle continued with the big yeťis on the back foot this time ,unfortunately I was still unable to land a strike as we used our control over space to try an get a one up on each other

As that was happening the cube broke apart like a rubix cube while a smaller cube floated out of the device like it wasn't their, selsa quickly brought out a container swiping it out of the air like a firefly

" got it!" I heard selsa in my ear

' finally.' using the yeťis as a foothold I jumped back doing two slashes with the claymore that cut through the air warping the space around them forcing the yeťis to defend Trying to feel for my connection to the mech I called for it's aid

answering a second later a giant Lazers tore in diagonally from above hitting the yeťis sending him flying across the room into a wall

Snapping my fingers I stopped time waiting for this moment knowing the yeťis wouldn't stay still for long I was already feeling pain as he struggled against it

Going over to each member I tossed them into the hole that was just burned into the room then allowed them to move " I got about ten seconds left,he's too strong."

We all climbed as fast as we could out of the hole just as time started again, the ground shook an the sounds of a battle could be heard

Looking over I saw the spider mech putting up a fight the best it could now that it was severely damaged an most of its ammo was spent " dose it have a core or something like that I can take with I'd feel bad leaving it to die." I asked after putting some debris in the hole and covering it Selsa gave me a strange look " it's a machine it's not alive."

" life comes in many forms selsa some flesh others mechanical,now does it or not" a little stunned she nodded an told me what I was looking for

,dashing to the mech I hopped into the now damaged cockpit moving the seat ,Grabbing the lever there I twisted pulling out a cylindrical device that pulsed with light like a heart beat "your coming with me buddy." Quickly getting out of the now still mech I made back to the group

The tree man had their hands on the ground while a beautiful flower sprouted around everyone swallowing us, when it opened again we were in a stunning landscape surrounded by all kinds of flowers

Breathing heavily I took a minute to gather myself" can i get my sword back." realizing I still had it I handed it back to it's owner while selsa looked at me shocked before trying hide it

As I handed the sword over I noticed a sigil of a dragon wrapped around a eclipse on the guard ' what why is my crest I'm sure I'm not the only one to come up with that ' I told myself feeling a little weird

" so what do we do now." I asked looking out at the beautiful endless morning filled with forgotten landscapes from a myriad of planets an dimension not sure what our next steps were." it's to help you I already told you this,unless you can't find the way from here."

my heart was racing now that it was time anxiety hit making me doubt what I felt or what it would lead to but I forced those thoughts out of my head the best I could an focused on my bond with Elise closing my eyes

" that way." I said pointing in a direction

" Alright no time to waste then let's go." With that my journey that would hopefully lead back to my family begins


Back on a world shrouded in darkness,in a village barely hanging onto life a priest was on his knees " please goddess of the sun I beseech you to have mercy on us for what ever we have done to anger you please tell us how we may be better. "

" no gods will ever answer you priest,only devils." turning the priest clutched his pendant in the shape of the sun" I know what you are demon and I know what you have done" the priest was shaking uncontrollably praying to his goddess for salvation not for just him but the villagers that this creature will slaughter

" then you know your already dead " outside the church the villagers were stunned in fear when their church got covered in colorful flames and a human figure littered with bright red runes walked out towards them

" please I beg you spare my children have mercy just punish us. " the demon tilted it's head at the woman begging before it " what children?"

Looking to her sides with wide teary eyes only seeing piles of ashes all that's left of her children, the demon walked away laughing leaving her too her misery