portal to hell

Sitting at a desk in a medium sized room with a big circular window that over looked the town she created with her husband Elise let out a sigh looking at the eclipse that hasn't left for months now throwing the world out of balance

Hearing a knock at the door to her office Elise stopped looking out the window " come in."

Birna walked carrying a small stack of papers putting them on the desk,picking one up Elise started going through them

" what is it." Elise asked not looking up from the paper she was overlooking, brina got fidgety " my lady the heat distributors on the east side are malfunctioning." Elise rubbed her forehead " send Liam there to take a look at it "

" umm Liam is asleep he has been up for days trying to improve the heating runes." Birna could barely hear the sound of Elise clicking her tongue " ok send people with fire elements to supplement until Liam can make it there."

Birna nodded but didn't move shifting some more " also there was another attack. " Elise went stiff as her hand trembled " how many survivors?"

" none...at least of a sound mind." Elise put the paper she was holding down staring at the ceiling " is it wrong of me to stay away from it i..I just don't think I could do it " birna shook her head " no my lady I don't think anyone can blame you for that...but all actions have a consequence. "

No word were spoken for a while until a loud horn could be heard " another one " standing up Elise rushed out the building without a care for the cold unlike her little assistant

The lights of the heating lamps lining the to flowed past her illuminating her figure

quickly climbing the crystal rampart that now surrounded the town Elise found lazza, James,kal and Selena huddled up wearing heavy coats that had some kind of animal fur around their necks to help keep them warm

The soldiers holding rifles around them had something similar on " I really wish Liam would finish that device."James shuffled blowing on his hands an rubbing them together

" can you blame him the poor thing is over worked." Selena cuddled closer to kal ,but seeing Elise approach they all straightened up greeting her including the other soldiers

" there's movement! " lazza said peering into the darkness that was only barley chased away by the natural glow of the trees nearby

Selena's ear twitched from the sound of leafs rustling as figure shroud in darkness approached, the soldiers got ready to fire at a moments notice

" princess I hope you will reconsider my offer I were no one will get hurt as long as they comply. " Elise walked forward looking at the pale man with red eyes an pointy ears the others could barely see

" I already told you my town will not be you personally blood farm." the man grimaced as he slowly disappeared and roars came from the darkness " fine,but you won't last

forever ."

Hideous beasts rushed out of the darkness between the trees all shapes an sizes like a portal to one of the hells had opened up close by ,the soldiers already opened fire not needing the order

Acting quickly Elise made a sheet of ice from the forest to the ramparts,but seeing that not many were slowed instead flooded the area this was a lot more effective even allowing her two make some water traps drowning some of the creatures

" ill be back " jumping of the ramparts she flew into the sky looking for something her dragon like eyes narrowing as her head shifted form side to side,suddenly she shot towards the village of the lizard-man as her body glowed

Their in the heart of the village a grotesque monster the size of a three story building held open a portal as wave of it's brethren came through, luckily the lizard-man had been evacuated months before thanks to a lot of convincing from Elise and opa

Minding its own business doing it's job until it heard a roar in the sky,but it was already to late a Ice spear slammed into it's head followed by a beautiful pink four winged dragon making it lost it's grip an fall into the portal

The other side was the very opposite of the world right now,volcanos rose as far as the eye could see spewing lava everywhere as a perpetually storm raged above,there were also what looked like skinny humans wondering without a purpose some getting fed on by the wave of monsters trying to get out

Elise stood up shaking herself off looking around she couldn't help but look at the humans around her hoping to see her husband if this was some kinda of hell

Even though her husband was not evil he certainly was no saint, as messed up as it was she longed to see him so she could whisk him away

Noticing the creature she just stabbed stand-up once again with obvious malicious intent she gathered all her mana an with a furious roar everything around her froze over momentarily halting the assault making her way out before something worse came

Outside she stood on her back legs trying to crush the from both sides helping it collapse faster ,when it did a red Shockwave blasted in all directions staggering her an destroying all the frozen monsters around.

Straightening herself as blood flowed from her mouth Elise moved back to the town to help the soldiers

' I always chastised him for putting himself in danger,but look at what I'm doing. ' this thought made her chuckle as she flew

closing these gate took at toll on her closing inter-dimensional tears in reality especially since she doesn't have the right elements for it ,the only reason she was able too was thanks to the new characteristic of her body

Not long after she returned the hoard that was nearly completely destroyed by now thanks to the well trained troops,Elise stood naked out in the cold waiting for the maid a couple feet away to give her clothes

The troops there looked away out of respect but a couple stole glances at her James was one of them,this earned him a hit in the side from lazza

Suddenly Birna came running down the road her heavy breathing filling the air with blood dripping down her side " my lady...my lady someone is trying to take Emily!" Elise didn't need to hear the rest ,with a flap of her wings she flew towards the scent of her daughter

In the last few months she has gotten a little used to the changes to her body so tracking a familiar scent was easy for her

Getting to the scene she saw Amelia try to keep her daughter safe from one of those pale red eyed men, sensing her the man clicked his tongue getting a hold of Amelia after giving up on the flying little girl

" you know what you have to do to see her again."a ring on the man's finger glowed as he with Amelia sunk into the ground,Elise tried to stop him but it was two late they had already disappeared

Letting it go for now she rushed to her daughter letting he land into her embrace

" are you alright did they hurt you!"

Elise was in a panic " no I'm fine thanks to auntie,we have to get here back." letting herself calm down a little she picked up Emily " I know sweetheart....I know."

Elise wasn't sure what to do but at least for now she knew she had to rest an recovery today has in busy


" why won't they leave me alone?" Illian watched as a short human complained about the androids Shuffling ever closer to him, while leaving the others alone.

" I don't know...maybe maybe because you have semi sentient a.i. " the human looked down at the device wrapped in vines from a different landscape strapped to his chest blinking a couple times

"...no that cant possibly be it." he said looking back to his lamia friend then slapped away a hand slowly reaching for the pulsing device

moving beside the slowly moving android he continued " at least they are really slow "

Illian had been secretly watching this group for a while specifically the human soul who had been touched by the mate he had lost so very long ago

Illian continued to watch the group of misfits travel from landscape to landscape for a couple weeks,finally stopping when they came to a little floating rock with a wizards tower on it

" this is it?" The human walked around the tower an back " yeah this is it,I guess their is something inside to take me back

Illian continued to watch the group bicker for

a little while mainly the human and the lamia

" forgive me for what this will cause...but I have waited a millennium to long already keeping him in check. "

coming to a decision the mighty ancient dragon's body slowly vanished into white orbs making it's way unseen to the human still absorb in the conversation he was having unaware that his soul would change forever