" I guess that's our sign to go. " selsa said look a bit nervous after a furious roar shook the floating rock we were on nodding i turned to enter the tower but she stopped me
Confused I looked back only to be meet with her kissing me " I think I have earned this at least ." she looked down away from me her tail shifting nervously
Chuckling I turned around " I'll miss you too. "
with that I ran up the spiraling stairs stopping at the top where a portal constantly shifting to different places to fast for me to keep up
' ok I think I understand what I need to do ' i though understanding the portal an getting myself ready
lightning covered me as time
slowed,continuing to watch the portal that was shifting a little slower now I waited for the right moment
Shifting my weight to i moved to go through the portal but stopped at the last second ' I need to be faster ' my soul tensed up for a few minutes until finally exploding with enough force to destroy the towers walls
The world around twisted an collapsed along with my mind.
" i need to see proof she is at alive and well before anything happens " Elise sat across from the man who attacked an kidnapped Amelia a few weeks ago,James and Selena were by her side to defend her while kal was stationed outside with a garrison of soldiers just in case
Ignoring her the man took a casual sip of a red liquid from his cup like he didn't have a care in the world " that's not how this is going to work princess I hold the power here"
He took another sip " surrender an I will happily return her to you otherwise...well you know what will happen an we will make sure to drain her slow." Hearing this Elise gripped her own glass a little tighter trying to keep a neutral expression
Just as she went to respond something nobody was expecting to happen did,a ray of sunlight beamed down through the window slowly growing bigger
" what."everyone looked at the light confused like they never seen sunlight before, but feeling it was truly the sun the pale man sunk into the ground disappearing
A frozen glass fell to the ground as Elise got up to look out at the sky " how is this happened? " she watched as the sun that has been covered up for almost six months now finally reveal itself bathing everything in its warming light
" does this mean it's gone,that he's truly..." Elise closed her eyes trying to calm her beating heart an not let the tears in her eyes fall
Suddenly feeling her bond with her husband get stronger, Adrenaline shot through her body while she ran out of the building not paying attention to the people staring at the sky
My head rang as my vision double I didn't understand what was happening, staggering forward i fell off of whatever structure I found myself on but I wasn't able to focus on that because I was struggling to breathe like I forgot how
After a few more minutes of that personal hell things started to stabilize an that's when the smell assaulted me,it was the worst thing I have ever smelled the closest thing would be rotted meat with maggots
Turning around I saw the thing I fell off of was a throne of corpses thousands of them ,honestly it was hard to tell with all the blood an dirt but I could tell all of them were humans put together into a throne fit for the devil himself
I bent over trying to throw up but nothing came out but saliva " I'm sorry I tried to resist but it was impossible " I was on all fours now my body wouldn't stop trying to throw up making my stomach hurt when shadow walked over to me rubbing against my side
Icarus landed on my shoulder in her little form nuzzling my cheek" I don't understand why, this didn't happen last time " I could feel not really hear the demon yelling in my head like it was far away an it's voice barely reached me
Everything was overwhelming me my world refused to stop spinning ,my heart was thumping an my mind wouldn't stay clear
Almost like a kind of defense mechanism activated an I teleported away, when I appeared I was towering over a unfamiliar gem road where people with their wagons where staring up at the sky stunned to such a degree it to them a minute to register my appearance backing away
As i was Trying to collect myself a beautiful pink dragon appeared before me slit eyes staring at me intensely,my eyes went wide an I tried calling out to her but instead a weird rumble left my mouth or should I say muzzle now since I realized I wasn't in my normal body I was a dragon with black scales an a intricate bright blue pattern going from my neck to the rest of my body
But I ignored that an clumsily walked towards her letting out a strange roar ,Elise rushed over to me wide eyed putting her head to mine ( I missed you so much.) I heard Elise's voice in my head, forgot we could do that now so it surprised me a little ( I missed you more.)
(How are you here...I saw you die?)I chuckled which reverberated around me thanks to my now giant throt an lungs scaring the people around me ( I told you before not even death will keep me away from you. )
We stayed like that for I wasn't sure how long until our body's glowed and we returned to our normal appearances,luckily I didn't have any changes to the way I looked at least from what I could tell
Walking over to her I grabbed her lower hip bringing her close to me an stunning the people who were there an didn't know who I was,in response Elise wrapped her arms around my neck " we have a lot to catch up on." I smirked " yes we do."
I was finally to breathe properly and my body was wacking out as much anymore hearing a cough we turned to see two maids bowing holding out clothes for us " it's nice to see you again my king ,but it wouldn't be good for you two to stay naked in the middle of town "
Elise tapped her foot an a wall of ice rose up around us as we put on our clothes when I thawed we were being surrounded by everyone there but something was off for every fifth person I saw their was a dead one standing next to them staring at me
I rubbed my eyes an they disappeared but still gave me a uneasy feeling " are you not feeling ok. " Elise asked " I'm fine I think I just need to eat something an rest for a little bit."
Nodding we headed to the castle under the gazes of the people around us as they talked about what just happened and why the sun was out again
A few minutes I was stuffing my face while everyone around me looked at me like some kind of mysterious thing " wha...how...I don't understand we saw you get stabbed a bunch of times an die turning into that thing? "
Taking another bite I looked at birna " didn't you know gamers don't die we respawn. " saying this caused everyone to roll their eyes
even though they didn't know exactly what I was talking about they knew I was joking around
" papa!" A pink blurr slammed into me almost knocking me out off my chair,laughing I hugged my daughter back " I missed you as well my sweet daughter "
" are you going to tell us how you came back to life...I for one want to know. " James spoke up from the corner a few others nodded wanting to know as well Elise was one of them
" well...it all starts with a beautifuly boundless sky and a very angry dragon... " for the next half hour I explained what I went through to get back to the land of the living
" so as my party went to escape the furious dragon I rushed up the strange tower reaching a portal an with a well timed burst of speed I finally accomplished my goal."
I finished my story leaving out what I saw when I first came back not wanting to tell anyone yet mainly because I could still barely stand the thought of it
" so you were basically sleeping with another woman this entire time that we thought you were dead. " I started to sweat a little hearing Elise speak up, opened my mouth to rebuke her but I closed it because that technically is what happened after I met selsa
" well...yeah but nothing happened past that I swear you know lesser men would have caved In that situation " she just stared at me not buying it, but before she could chastise me more a pale man spoke up from across the room
Everyone suddenly got serious an I felt Emily tremble in my arms making me frown
" who are you. " I asked but was ignored as he only focused entirely on Elise " I still need an answer princess or else you know what will happen. "
Ok now I was getting pissed this man appeared out of nowhere threatening my wife and judging by the way he talked this was going on before I came
Putting Emily on shadow who popped out in front of me I appeared in front of the mystery man