" I said who are you. " my voice got a bit deeper an my elements responded to my anger manifesting around me
The man just gave me a side eye as a magic circle popped up on the floor under me an I was engulfed in flames
but when they cleared I was unharmed
My right eye twitched while ghostly fangs grew out of my mouth and black misty dragon wings unfolded behind me,the man's eyes went wide seeing me transform even taking a step back to get away from the lightning coming off me.
" don't do anything they have Amelia!. " Elise said quickly so i didn't do anything rash
my now draconic eye constricted. " is that so" appearing where the man was trying to get away, I thrust my hand into the portal catching him by the arm before he got away
The portal tried to severe my arm but space wouldn't let it, lifting the guy up i brought him to eye level " there is no escape for you, your going to pay dearly for threatening my family while I was away. " he struggled against me but soon found himself unable to move like he was made of stone.
" I'll be back " I hopped into the portal disappearing within
Somewhere Inside a dark cell a elven woman was rolled up in a corner if you looked if one looked closely you would see wounds on her wrist that were barely healing
Suddenly a big ogre slammed open the gate to the cell lumbering over grabbing her not a care for wounds,caused her to scream trying to fight back but it was pointless she did have any elements to speak of, not that it would even work here
Taking her to the main chamber where everything was made of gold including the throne were a monster that looked like a humanoid bat crossed with a golem sat wings on its folded up
" awww perfect I was just getting thirsty " he said lifting up Amelia by the arm cutting her scared wrists to start drinking her blood.
" you better hope that princess agrees to my demands or your mine I can't resist any longer." He brought her closer licking her neck ,she tried to get away but she didn't have the strength anymore.
Laughing at her demise the ruler of this domain went quiet feeling a strong disturbance an looking up ' is another domain attacking me? 'he's wasn't sure what to make of this sudden intruder
,suddenly the golden roof caved in an a figure landed in the middle of the hall holding another person by the throat while they struggled to get off the floor
Amelia getting a jolt of Adrenaline from the situation couldn't believe her eye
' what....how is he here?'
" whoever you are you made a big mistake coming to the heart of my territory." the various monsters of the domain rushed through the breach to attack the invader
" aj." Another armored figure appeared behind the other seemingly stepping out of the very fabric of the world before growing in size plugging the hole crushing the ogre that went to attack his summoner
At this point the human started walking towards the creature on the throne dragging the pale man with him " I'm only going to ask this once hand over the woman you kidnapped. "
the pale man in his grip kept trying to free himself but it was useless losing hope he looked at his leader pleading for help,he was always a good servant doing what needed to be done dealing with the top siders when his master didn't want too surely he would leave him in this humans grasp
" I don't know how you can still use your elements but your in no position to make demands my legion will swarm this place too destroy you...that is if I don't do it myself."
The pale man barely got a scream out when his head exploded getting crushed like a grape " wrong answer. " the human appeared in front of him already lashing out with a punch to the creatures head
Amelia still on the sidelines with her wrist bleeding couldn't believe what she was witnessing the man she thought was dead was actually here fighting the monsters that kidnapped her...and winning. " how is he using his elements they should be sealed here?" Whispered to herself
She finally noticed the nearly transparent black wings on his back not seeing them before he started attacking " he has changed."
" your strong...for a Pokémon reject." ghost said skidding to a stop after being tossed away by an attack.
Amelia chuckled " I guess not that much. " she found herself subconscious relaxing knowing it would be alright letting her mind fade.
" barely back a day an he's already at it again like he never left. " lazza was shaking her head
" are we even sure that was really him take his story for example,who sleeps with someone every night and doesn't try anything. " James stated
Hearing her companion lazza frowned " not everyone is like you perv, sleeping with anyone they can get in their bed."
James just shrugged at her " maybe but their is a lot. " while they were bickering back an forth Elise sat down in her chair " it's him I'm certain of it there are things about my husband that can't be mimicked."
She knows the ticks and mannerisms he has so it's almost impossible to trick her in such a manner it's one of the reasons she fell in love with him
A few minutes passed for them when a portal they knew we'll opened up close by, in a instant everyone one their was ready for whatever came out
But their fear turned to a different kind when a figure stepped out carrying a limp body ,gasping Elise ran over " she is still alive,but just barely we need to get her to doc "
Ghost turned around throwing a ring from his hand into the portal starting it's collapse
Elise quickly grabbed a hold of his arm so the three of them could teleport to the healers
" you were reckless! " Elise was angry after I told her what happens as we waited in a room with Amelia waiting for her to gain consciousness now that her wound were healing thanks to elves having two hearts she should recover quickly from this
" I saved her didn't I,what would have been the point in talking to these creatures? " she threw her arms in the air turning away from me " I don't even know why I waste my breath. " she sat down in a chair next to Amelia
I wanted to say more but Amelia sprung awake sitting up an panting." It's ok your safe now. " Elise tried to calm her down
Amelia looked around the room disoriented until settling on me her eyes went wide then looked away,I could have swear I saw her blush when she did
" so...that was real." she looked down at the bandages on her wrist an let herself let out a sigh of relief laying back down " don't worry about anything ameli, I'll deal with anything you need just relax. "
Elise was worried about her friend wanting to make sure she was taken care of
" it not your fault this happened " Amelia said knowing Elise was blaming herself for this happening " I chose to put myself in that situation, I couldn't do nothing an let them take my adorable niece."
Amelia quickly elaborated to keep her friend from saying anything else,seeing what she was doing Elise just sighed letting it go
" I more interested in knowing how he came back? " Amelia said looking me up an down
" actually I just got back a few hours ago,I rushed over to get you once I learned you were kidnapped. " a slight smile found it's way on Amelia's lips while she laughed lightly laying back down
" of course. " she laid there with her eyes closed " I'm not even going to bother asking about the wings. "
we didn't say anything more after that Amelia just wanted to rest so I excused myself knowing Elise wouldn't want to leave
" awaken we need speak, we don't have much time!" Hearing a unfamiliar voice my eyes shot open an i looked around confused by where I was
The first thing to enter my vision besides the endless stars was a dragon looking down at me " hey Illian...mind telling me where we are and how I got here, I'm trying really hard not to freak out I just got back home."
I slowly got up feeling a bit weird standing in a starry void " fear not we are merely inside your soul while your body still sleeps, I pulled you here so we can speak." Illian tried to calm me down
" o...why are we surrounded by stars then shouldn't it be...I don't know more normal?"Illian giant eye blinked at me
" it's your soul whatever it is, is normal each soul is different usual shows what people desire most an how they are, both ambition and personality these two things usually make up the majority of someone soul, this place is suppose to represent that. "
Thinking about what he said it made more sense to me why we were seemingly in space surrounded by stars
i felt more relaxed knowing this " though to be fair I guess your soul is split at the moment. " looking where he was, there was a mass of darkness with red rays shooting from it trying to invade the space we were in
" what is that?" The feeling I got from that dark mass made me feel ill " it's the reason we need to talk, I can't keep holding it back my power is waining." The dragon's body flicked for a second