
*Five years ago*



"Are you alright samarth?you're coughing non-stop you should take a rest"

One of the boy who's close to me ask worriedly because i was coughing non stop from the start of the match.

It's the first day of summer vacation so all the neighborhood kid's decided to play football early in the morning.i was on the losing side and we are losing because of me.every time my teammates pass the ball to me opponent's team snatch it away without any difficulty from the start of the day i am not feeling good making my performance bad and making that guy who is shouting even more mad.

"SAMARTH!! If we loose beacuse of you i beat the shit out of you"

"Sidharth calm down bro we are not playing any international match why are you so worked up"

"SHUT UP!!! Dev your saying this because your on the winning side,if only if we have one more player i wouldn't have invite samarth"

"You really shouldn't have invite samarth he look sick and look like he can pass out at any moment"

"*cough**cough**cough*alright *cough*guys just little*cough*...arghhhh"

As i am saying this i suddenly start feel pain around my chest that pain was so unbearable that i felt like i am just laying their on the ground clutching my chest tightly dev and sidharth come running to me other boys present at the scene also came to check on me.

"Hey!!!samarth what happened??"

"Quickly,dev we need take him to the clinic you go informed auntie"

"What! How can you take him to the clinic"

"Everyone here will help me,just put him on my back it will be faster that way"

"Sidharth we should wait for the adult to come here"

"Yeah nilesh is right i am also scared sidharth we should just wait"


"I also agree with them"

"We don't have time! let just quickly take him to the clinic and dev why are you standing their listening to these guys go now"

"okay then i meet you at the malhotra uncle's clinic"

"Yes! everyone help me here"

Everyone started to lift me and place it on sidharth back he's taller than most of the boy here and really good at the sports so we came to the clinic pretty fast.uncle malhotra clinic was small and it was just around the few block from the ground.being early in the morning their are not many patients present at the moment.

"Haa....haa.....uncle... please take a look at... samarth he is not ....haaa.....feeling well"

"What happened!? lay him down on the bed and sidharth first drink some water and calm down nilesh tell me everything"

"Okay.....haa..thank you uncle"

"Dad We don't know what happend to him from the start of our match he keep coughing and i think he suddenly feel pain around has chest"

"Ok you guy's did good bring him here now every one should go home"

As uncle malhotra checking my condition mom also came in worriedly she hold my hand and start asking questions.

"What happened to you son? Are you alright ?He's alright right rakesh?"

"I don't have equipment to check has condition thoroughly but i will give him some medicine to relieve has pain"

"You're useless has a doctor rakesh!!"

"Hey! my clinic is really small i don't have that many equipments in here beside did you call rohan?"

"Yes he's on the way here"

As uncle and mom talking dad also came in uncle told him to bring me to the hospital for thoroughly check on my quickly take me to the hospital that uncle malhotra recommended their we found about that i have Acute lymphoblastic leukemia cancer on first stage and if not treated on time it can keep advancing.

it was shocking news for my parents and cost for my treatment is more than our middle class family can afford my mom start crying the moment she heard about my disease dad also don't know how to react to this news.

I was my parents only child so both of them are really overprotective and doting this news for them are like the death sentence for them they don't know how they can over come this situation my parents had love marriage and both of their family's are against it.

both of their family cut ties with them completely when i was born my mom tried to talk to my grandparents but they don't want to see the child of the person that bring disgrace to their family as i grow old i don't even know i have grandparent's the only person i called grandpa is the house owner of the place where we lived grandpa ranjit.

when my parents don't have a place to stay he's the one who let them in after learning about their story through my father cousin he lived alone so the upper floor of has house is empty that place become our home.

he was really nice to us he was like father figured for my parent's he always talk about has son who now lives in the US and how he keep sending money at the end of the month.

when he speak i can feel that he was really proud of has son when i ask why can't he come to visit you? he always tells me has son is busy making money to buy home when he have enough money he will take him their and then he live with them.

One day when grandpa ranjit doesn't feel good so my father take him to the hospital i don't know what happend has i was too young to understand but i heard my father talking to uncle malhotra that due to mismanagement of the hospital that the grandpa ranjit passed away.

it was really shocking news to me as i was really close to grandpa ranjit he always tell me stories,give me gifts on occasions,saving me from mom lecture,or lecturing my parents when i cry he always their for me when i learn about the news that i can't see him again i was devastated.

i starting to hate the hospital who take life of grandpa ranjit and the more shocking news that i learn that grandpa ranjit son haven't even contact him for ten years he's living with has family in the US and doesn't even send money to him.all this year grandpa ranjit was telling lies to every one that has son always contact him and send him money.

And the money that grandpa ranjit had

that money was grandpa ranjit pension money that he tell that has son has send.

even when he learn about grandpa ranjit death he didn't come to india and tell my father to do all the rituals.

Everything about this make me really mad how can son abounded has parent and even when learning about has death didn't even come to india to see him last time.

And more that i hate the hospital because of their mismanagement that grandpa ranjit has to loose has life.

When my parent's learn about my cancer they don't know what to do so my parents contact their family for help.

"F-fa-father i am isha please listen to me i really need your help"

"I don't want to talk to you and how did you get my number?"

"N-no father please listen to me my....son...has diagnosed....with cancer... i really need your help please help me!"

"So what does that have to do us? And i already told you to don't call me father i don't have a ungrateful daughter like you"

"Father...i am was my mistake...but please save my son...i....i can't live without him..please...he's also your grandson"

"My grandson huh?when i don't have daughter how can he become my grandson? god must be punishing you for what you did to us"

"It has nothing to do with us and never call me again or else i call the police"


As the call end i see my mother sitting on sofa crying i just woke up to drink some water but i didn't expect to see this scene i quickly go back to my bed and close my eye's.

My father also go back to has parents house he literally beg them on the knees but they didn't even glance has direction and told my uncle to throw my father out of the house.

My uncle decided to help my father secretly but he can only do that much.

For my treatment my father toke a loan and some of has friend also help as much as they could but it wasn't enough.then my father cousin who recommend grandpa ranjit to let my parents stay with him come back to visit us and help us he paid the remaining money that needed for my treatment.