The Boisterous Streets of Alkemia Al-Nur

Julius leapt out of bed the next morning. Today, he'd discover this exotic city's culture with Arun and his big brother!

However, he found out that only he had awoken at the caress of the rising sunlight and the scent of morning dew. He gazed at his brother's dim eyes, his finger reaching for him hesitatingly before a steely glint flashed in his eyes. He grabbed Adam's shoulders, shaking them with a gentle nudge.

Feeling the tug from the dream place, Adam's eyes sparkled with light. Intrigued, He gazed at Julius' slightly flushed face and eager smile. "Good morning, boy."

"Morning, big bro. Let's explore the city today!" Julius pointed at the door, controlling his legs to remain still, or he didn't doubt he would have already rushed out.

Also curious to discover what wonders a city housing a magical academy had in store, Adam nodded. "Why not? Wake Arun up and ask Asha to watch over Louise."