Chapter Thirty

I could feel the warmth of his embrace, his apology exuding sincerity. Despite what had happened, it didn't matter if it was for Tyrone. It wasn't his fault anyway. He was just unlucky to have such siblings. As the wind picked up, I suddenly shivered, and I tried to stop him from giving me his coat, but he was insistent. He draped his coat over my shoulders, his concern evident.

"Sorry, Diane. We don't have a car," he said, realizing our predicament. It dawned on me that we were quite far from his mansion, and it seemed unlikely that anyone would follow us at this late hour. There were hardly any passersby; it was the dead of night. A sudden lightning flash startled me, and instinctively, I clung tightly to Tyrone. The wind grew stronger, and I shivered as the rain started to pour, steadily at first, but gradually intensifying.

"Tyrone, it looks like it's going to rain," I warned him as the raindrops fell. Initially, the rain was gentle, but it quickly gained strength.