Under The Stars! (Part 2)

Zamiel still vividly remembered that day. The late night stroll of his providing him a long lost family.

Eight years old Roshan running away in the fresh air with the balloons he held high, playing with them. Sia, his six year old sister, running behind him, in a trial to grab away his balloons.

Their smiles and giggles still an echo in his memory. Their parents, who back then were just a couple who established a startup company, relieved by seeing their children enjoy at least the weekend, with them.

Roshan's impulse running getting him in the threat of an accident, Zamiel on time saving him using his powers. Zamiel's speed gone unnoticed by the driver however, Roshan's parents did notice.

"Is that how you met your family?" Amara asked excited, though having her question somehow feel strange, well, what wasn't strange about him?!

Zamiel voices a yes, "I somehow didn't feel the urge to hide my identity with them, which made me tell my story to them!!"

"And, they accepted me as a family!!" He added.

Amara heard it clearly, didn't feel the urge to hide, but, why did she feel like he felt the urge, to say out?!

Being an immortal might really have made him feel alone, didn't it?!

Only if he wasn't born as an immortal!!

Zamiel blinked, turning to her at her misunderstanding, "I wasn't born as an immortal!!" he denied.

That wondered her, "What?"

"I was a human who turned into an immortal by wish!!" He clarifies.

Human? Turned by wish? "What made you wish for that??" She asked almost in a complaining way.

"I.....failed in my responsibilities, and, a fortune chance to change the future, made me....greedy!"

Failed in responsibilities?!

Was it a part of his story?

Then.....it isn't a right time to ask this now, as well.

She sighed looking down at her hands, "Nobody wishes to fail in their responsibilities, Zamiel. However nothing remains in our hands to control, you know. We shouldn't....let that failure take over us, we.... cannot blame ourselves for it!!" Amara said as a matter of fact, from her own experiences. "It is just how fate works, I guess!!" She added with a shrug.

She looked up, with a deep breath turning to him, "I would...only wish for you to not blame yourself for anything!!"

Zamiel finally felt relieved, hearing it, from her. Oh, how long did he wait to confess himself to her, how badly did he crave to hear this from her?

Would she still say the same after acknowledging the truth?!

He shouldn't....regret any of her response then, should he?

She smiled, making him smile faintly.

With a sigh, she looked away up into the sky, beholding the beauty of night.

However...she didn't....express her question yet!! How did he....

The amusement made her stare him in silence for a moment, "How did you know about my thoughts even before I had put them out?!" Amara asked doubting.

Zamiel hesitatingly looked away, "I can read minds."

Oh god!

The wasn't expected!!

What else did this immortal hide from her??

"That's very inappropriate to read my thoughts without my consent, Zamiel!!" She warned with still widened eyes.

"I apologise, I don't intend to do but, I can't help. I have an ability to hear human thoughts!!" Zamiel felt guilty.

She sighed, so she can't even think freely now, with him around?!

However, for an instance, she imagined roaming around a crowd with the ability to hear their racing thoughts, which actually suffocated her somehow. Is this the reason behind the confidentiality of Daniel Richardson?

"Isn't being an immortal difficult in this generation?!" She asked wondered.

"It is," He said with a relieved sigh for her trying to understand him, "it really is difficult!!"

"How....do you manage then?!"

"Nobody knows me as Zamiel, Amara, does any?!" He asked with a wink.

So, they change identities?!

"Yes they do!!"

Oh god, he heard it again!!

"I'm sorry!"

She sighed, "Do all of the immortals roam around with identities changed?!"

Zamiel gave a shook, "I've heard the most ancient among immortals reside at the realm of immortals"

Realm of Immortals?!

Zamiel nodded, "However, it is sealed as of now! Though, all the ancient immortals still reside there."

"Sealed? Why?!"

Zamiel shrugged, "There lies a hidden history of demons, immortals and gods which I'm not yet properly acknowledged about. However, I assume it as a punishment for a great sin!"

Great sin? Amara wondered how cruel was the sin to get such a miserable punishment?

Amara sighed, "What about the remaining immortals, like you?!"

"Some live within the humanity with constant changes of identity and rapid adaptations, while the others chose to live away from the world of humanity, choosing to isolate themselves, to live in the peace of solitude."

"Depends on the self, I see!" Amara nodded thoughtfully.

Zamiel nodded back.

Immortals live quite really long, do they even have reincarnations? Wow, she was now believing into stuff like reincarnations?! Well well, situations demand.

They won't be dying easily, so, they might not get any reincarnations or there isn't even any need for a guess?!

While Amara was busy with her own thoughts, Zamiel on the other way was in trial to hold back his laughter, for her thoughts though were sincere, were funny as well.

"Do you guys even eat?!" Amara asked confused, suddenly.

Zamiel chuckled, "We don't have any feeling like hunger, however," he came close leaning in for her ear as he whispered, "that doesn't mean I can't or don't want to eat!!"

Her heart skipped a beat again, with a blink, she scooted over just to make a room for some distance, this immortal was infectious somehow!!

"That's....great, to hear!" She stuttered looking away.

Zamiel smiled, she's blushing again! With a deep breath he looked up the sky, how he wish for this night to stay so, unmoved, with her beside!!


The next day was a daily routine however, despite feeling glad for the opportunity alone to spend time with her parents, the anxiety about future still bothered Amara, the nearing day ahead, panicking her.

Yet she remained confident, she didn't know whether she owned it or borrowed from the immortal but she, had it!!

With that confidence of hers, she participated in her daily activity of going to hospital. Her father didn't have much work today for the important operation was fixed for tomorrow. So he decided to study few cases and Amara joined as well, discussing about it.

Harry was impressed by her quick adaptability about the subjects.

"I wonder why did you choose neurology rather anesthesiology, father, unlike mother?!" Amara said out of blue, "I suspect it is you fearing to be unable to remember all the information at once!!" She chuckled.

Harry hissed pinching her ear, for which she hissed in pain. "Your perceptions about me surely have some flaws, girl!"

Amara chuckled in pain, "I'm sorry, please let me go!!"

Harry with a smile let her go. "It is because I didn't quite had any passion for anesthesiology." He then explained.

"Yet I wanted to be with your mother, I had two options, to choose cardiology or neurology, and I had chosen neurology!!"

"Just to be with mother?!" She asked.

Harry nodded, "My operation would be in her presence!!" he said proudly.

Amara resting her hands on the table cupped her own face, "How unlucky do you guys make me feel for not having such a lovely partner!!"

Harry chuckled hitting her on forehead gently, "If you are destined for a love, you surely will be destined with your love!!" he assured.

"And how would I know he is my love?!"

Harry with a soft smile, so gently took her hand placing it against her chest, her feeling her own heartbeat, "Question the same to your heart and witness it giving you the right answer with all the right signals!!"

Amara doubted it, her hand still feeling her heart reverberate in the cage of her ribs, slowly parting its way as she looked down at it. Her gaze immediately being consumed by the bracelet, Crystal.

She just watched it for a moment in silence before her gaze shifted to her other hand which wore a watch, her gasping at the realisation.

Amara stood with an another low gasp, "Thankyou dada, but I have an urgent work to do, meet you later!!" she said before leaving the room hurriedly.

She went to the ward but didn't find him, then finally asking in the reception did she get to know that the oldman already was discharged and left just a minute ago. She sighed defeated, didn't she promise to say him her goodbye, and she failed to do so?

With a shook she decided to search for him outside, just a minute wouldn't take and fly the man away, would it?

And luckily, she did find the man outside, "Grandpa!!" she reached him with a smile.

"I thought you left without meeting me!!" She said with a sigh.

Jack smiled, "I feel happy to see you again, my child!!"

Amara smiled, "As I promised, I've made the arrangements for you to visit the garden whenever you wish like to!!"

"That's so relieving!!" He said excited, "Thank you so much, dear!!"

Amara waved it away, as she then met his granddaughter, who came back with a taxi in the meantime, she then said her goodbye to them.

Later, she met her parents in the garden, where they decided to have lunch, unlike every day as in the canteen.

As they had their meal peacefully in nature, she talked with her parents, chit-chatting.

"I forgot, after you left, Max called me, he said he would be visiting here this evening!!" Harry informed Amara.

Her uncle is coming?!

She so easily lied back then that she had already informed him about the cancellation of the plan but....

Oh God, help her!!