The Unexpected Guest!!

Isobel, Harry and Sarah were worried why Amara didn't return home yet. The sun is about to set and she didn't yet appear home!

Ralph suggested to wait for her, but Isobel denied, stating his tiredness from work wouldn't go well with it!

Yet, Ralph insisted on staying, wishing to leave once Amara was back home safe.

As they were seated in the living room, Isobel entered with a tray held in her hands. Serving them tea and snacks, they were briefly halted at the sudden ringing sound of the calling bell.

Isobel almost immediately rushed to open the door and a relieved sigh escaped her upon seeing her daughter stand ahead.

"What made you delay your return?!" Isobel complained, pulling her daughter into her embrace.

Everyone came out, witnessing the scene.

Amara with a chuckle stroked her back, tapping her assurance, "I'm completely alright, ma!"

Pulling herself away, Amara watched those glimpse of tears in her mother's eyes, "Is that you crying?! I've never seen it!!"

"Did you father?!" Amara asked her father playfully, who stood silent, with a faint smile.

"Let me capture the moment?!" She pretended to search for her mobile, and Isobel hit her on the shoulder saying "Stop it!"

Amara smiled, taking a deep breath she began, "Well....we have a guest!!" she announced.

That surprised them all, their gazes searching for the unknown in her eyes.

Amara took a pause, measuring their responses secretly before stepping aside from the entrance, letting Zamiel in.

His presence momentarily pausing their breath as they kept looking at him in awe.

"My greetings to all," He voiced with a slight bow, "it's Zamiel!"

A moment of hesitation took over them all, unknown of how to respond.

Amara interfered hesitated, "Let us all....get in?!" suggesting the better response.

Isobel who exchanged a brief glance with the others, provided a still hesitated nod.

"Any discomfort, Zamiel?!" Amara thought in silence as they walked in, for which he with a smile shook his head.

Assured enough, she walked into the living room, "Please sit!" she offered, almost making the man chuckle at her sudden formality.

As they all had their seats, Amara sighed, "You were all having good time spent, without me? Not fair enough!!"

Ralph chuckled, "Don't even go with that now, how irresponsible of you to go somewhere without informing anyone!!"

Sarah hissed, patting on his hand, while Amara laughed at it.

"Anyway, let me introduce him, he's Zamiel!" Amara began, taking a brief pause; "The immortal I've said about!!"

Silence took over them as they stared him, his presence in a way assuring yet making them feel uneasy about something undefined.

"I see, greetings mister Zamiel, it's Harry Winslow, Amara's father." Harry took the initiative to speak up.

Zamiel smiled, offering a gentle nod.

Amara smiled, "And she, my mother, Isobel Winslow."

"Sarah my cousin and Ralph my best friend!!" She introduced.

Zamiel greeted everyone, already sensing those unquestioned thoughts swirling within them about his presence.

Silence befell, even Amara not knowing what to say anything further. May be, even she could sense the rising tension in the air!

"Let me....serve you both some tea!" Sarah smiled, getting on her feet. Momentarily disappearing into the kitchen, she returned with a small tray of two cups, gently offering one to Zamiel first.

Zamiel with a smile accepted.

While putting back the tray on the table, Sarah approached Amara with the cup of tea held in her hand. Upon offering it to her, Sarah slipped on her feet, spilling the tea all over Amara. A gasp escaping them all, "I'm sorry Amara!!!" Sarah immediately apologized.

Amara went speechless while the others remained utterly silent.

"I..... really didn't mean to!!" Sarah tried to explain.

Amara touching her tea stained dress chuckled, "Serving the almost cold tea, coldly?!" a shake of head escaped her.

Zamiel with a slight frown dipped his finger into the cup he was offered, smiling at the hot touch, the conscious act it seems!!

"No issues, I'll get changed!" Amara shrugged getting up, feeling already uncomfortable.

" seem tired as well, why won't you take a bath instead, it would be relaxing!" Sarah suggested.

Amara paused, briefly looking at Zamiel as if asking whether he was okay with it or not. She was somehow resistant to leave him all alone with her parents, or....was it her feeling the sense of urgency on act upon missing any important information she is yet to recieve from him.

Whatever it is, Zamiel provided an assured nod at it for her.

With a sigh, Amara shrugged, "Wait for me!"

Sarah along with others watched her ascend the stairs, the sounds of her walking into her room and the door getting shut echoing down in the almost threatening silence that occupied the living room.

Sarah with a stern look turned back, "Who exacty are you? What are your intentions?!"

Zamiel with that soft smile again, put back his cup, unsipped.

"I supposedly do not put you into any blame for...." Sarah's gaze settling onto her aunt and uncle for a moment before finding it's way back to Zamiel, "what you have done is something we.... heartfully thank you for!!"

"Yet, any bad intentions of you for her or this family, I promise it will not be good for you!!" Sarah warned.

Isobel breathed. Harry and Ralph as well watching the man in silence, secretly trying to comprehend the man's thoughts.

Zamiel with a smile again sighed low, "Please sit!" suggesting Sarah to calm down, "We need to talk!!"

"A lot!!" He added.


Deafening silence spread around, no one dared to speak. While Zamiel silently was looking out for consequences, preparing on how to handle them.

If saying the truth to just the family is this tensioning, how can he....handle the situation with Amara?!

"You say.....they were.....never dead?!" Ralph managed to question.

Harry and Isobel felt utterly silent for the first time in their life, probably feeling lost by all the information provided.

Zamiel could understand their difficultly in comprehending the situation, it wasn't easy for him as well. The moment it began to puzzle him upon the absence of their souls in the reincarnation cycle, which ultimately lead him to Grandma Jade. If not for her wise words, he would.....never know the truth!!

"Yes, their souls were stolen and prisoned, due to the cremation of the bodies, the souls could never come back unless....we change the past!!" Zamiel explained.

"Avoiding the situation gave the desperate souls the opportunity to set themselves free!"

Isobel sighed, her hand holding onto her husband's arm, him comforting her with a tap.

Ralph briefly shut his eyes, completely intolerant towards the pain they all went through.

"Just who the hell did this?" Sarah questioned with clenched teeth, glaring at Zamiel, "Who has done this to my family?!"

Zamiel gave out a disappointed shook, "I'm yet to know it!!"

Sarah's hands balled up into fists, her eyes turning into green.

Ralph immediately took hold of her hand, "Sarah, mindful! Amara is yet to know the secret!!" he reminded.

Sarah shut her eyes, controlling her anger seemed difficult all of a sudden.

"I might not know the enemy, but, I promise to stand with you all. I can assure you safety through my presence!"

Ralph stared him with a smile, thanking him in silence.

Harry and Isobel could do nothing but smile faintly.

"We have no other desire than to protect our children!!" Harry said with a sigh, Sarah reached him with tears in her eyes, embracing them.

Harry caressed her hair while Isobel wiped away her tears. "All I wish for is their safety!!"

Zamiel nodded understandingly at the man's word.

He would protect them at....all costs. They might not know but.....they are his family as well!!

Harry with a sniff leaned forward, his hands resting on his knees, "About the.... past, will you keep it from her?!"

Zamiel smiled faintly, shaking his head, "She deserves to know it all, the truth, about me, you all, and.... herself!!"

"She will know it all!!" Zamiel added.

They all could do nothing but stare him in silence. Know about them and herself? That would come with her knowing the secret they kept hiding from her, from years.

Harry, Isobel exchanged a look with Sarah and Ralph.

Isobel slightly nodded as she looked back at the man, "You're right!"

"It's high time that Amara should know the truth!!"

"Know what??" Amara's sudden interruption took them aback.

The environment tensed up, and upon the silence, Amara felt confused. "What's happening?"

"What should I know?!" She asked with an unknown yet slightly curious smile.

Zamiel with a smile got up on his feet, reaching her, "Know the truth, Amara!" he said, racing up the heartbeat of the others.

"And what's....the truth?!" Amara wondered.

Zamiel with a smile put his hands on either of her shoulders, "Truth that you took too much time, and they are all now starving. It's dinner time!!"

Amara hissed, "I'm sorry!!"

Amara while laughed at it, the others could only sigh in relief for that, "I am hungry for real!!" Isobel lied with a sweet smile.

Amara nodded, "Let us have our meal then?!", a smile taking over her.