Amara and her family had a peaceful dinner with Zamiel. Well, at least, she believes so.
For, everyone had their own thoughts to worry about.
Sarah was worried about the situation they were in. The person behind the incident being all of her bother. She didn't know who it was and that was more of a bother. And according to her aunt's decision, Amara will know the truth not so later, it is clear that Amara's response would be uncertain, and that as well is to be bothered by.
Ralph other way, was worried, to see this family suffering. He could do nothing now but to wish he could be of any help.
And the other way, Isobel worried about the unknown enemy, her inner thoughts beginning to eat her up.
Harry however didn't bother about the past and the present. Instead the future. Amara would know the truth, about her family, herself and Zamiel's Past. All at a time. How could she handle it? Was she doomed to get hurt? By her own people?! A sigh escapes him as he thinks about that. Will she even forgive them?!
And Zamiel, able to hear all of their thoughts, one way understood their feelings better and choose to respect them. While the other way, Harry's thoughts effected him. If Amara gets to know about his past, will she forgive him? Accept him?!
Will able to handle the pain that comes out with the truth.
Is he rushing?
Not so, the unknown enemy can....appear anytime and to make her prepared, he should let her know the truth.
Despite having a lot on mind, everyone managed to smile keeping their burdens to themselves just for Amara.
While Amara unknown of their feelings, was lively like herself.
After the so called pleasant dinner, Ralph decided to stay back while Zamiel proposed his wish to take a leave.
Amara came out with him as well in the name of sending him off.
"I hope you weren't uncomfortable with this evening!" Amara expressed her thoughts once they were out, standing near her parked car.
Zamiel smiled, "That was a lovely evening, Amara!" At least, he wanted to believe so.
Amara smiled back assured enough.
"Amara!" He interrupted her, seeking her attention.
Amara stared him wondered, "I'm hearing!"
He took her hands into his, "I ...I told them the truth!"
Her eyes blinked, "Tr..truth?As in?!"
" in.... everything!"
Her smile began to fade, he told them the truth? Even before saying it to her? He knew she was eagerly waiting for it, didn't he? She thought she would know everything first and then they both could let her family know together. But...."I don't have to convince them anymore I guess....?"
She smiled nervously, "They seem to be convinced already!" Amara looked away. Her hand slowly getting out of his grip.
Zamiel instantly slightly tightened his grip over her hand, seeking back her attention, "Are you angry?"
She took a moment to respond, searching something in his eyes, "I'm disappointed Zamiel." she admitted.
Zamiel inhaled, "In me?"
Amara shrugged, "I'm taking too much time, I said I will return after sending you off!" indirectly asking him to leave, her hands getting off from his grip.
A moment of stare passed between them before she with a sigh turned back, ready to leave.
Zamiel instantly held her hand, turning her back, pulling her gently close. Their eyes meeting.
Her heart.....skipped a beat again.
Why does he do such things unexpectedly? Only if he knew how it makes her feel!!
"I want you to be ready, tomorrow morning!" Zamiel informed.
"I'll come for you, will take your parents' permission, and will take you out!!"
Her breath became heavy, eyes blinking. Her cheeks slightly turning red, "Are you perhaps.....asking me out?!"
Zamiel's gaze wavered into hers, a smile taking over his face suddenly, a failed chuckle."What if I am? Will you.... accept?"
She briefly looked away, "Tomorrow's things are to be dealt tomorrow!!"
He smiled, her this attitude always amuses him. Completely different from his wife! "They heard it Amara! While you, you will see it!!"
His words silencing her. "I'll come for you!" He whispered.
"I'll wait for you!!" She whispered back.
With a smile, he looked up, staring the moon for a moment while she kept staring him, his gaze descending right down to her, her eyes suddenly shining like silver this time.
This change in her still was difficult to comprehend. And the fact that she might have not even realise it.
Zamiel smiled, tucking her hair behind the ear, nodding at her.
Amara nodded back, and as soon as she did, he vanished into thin air. His smile still reflecting in her eyes.
Her gaze shifting to her bracelet, yes her gifted bracelet. "Oh Zamiel, the way you make me feel!!"
As the darkness of the night crawled up the sky, Ralph found it difficult to sleep. He could still not digest the facts he got to know this evening.
He knew, Sarah was furious and distressed at the same time. Knowing she wasn't okay, he didn't feel alright. After a long time spending his time staring at the ceiling blankly, he finally decided to go see her. To check on her once for all.
Leaving the bed, minding his steps letting them make no sound, he sneaked out of the room he was alloted. Ralph headed towards Sarah's room in darkness.
He slowly knocked the door, the sound echoing, upon receiving no response, he knocked again. And when silence answered him, with a deep breath, he gently pushed the door open.
Seeing her asleep. A sigh escaped him.
Instead of leaving, he walked towards her. A hiss soon escaping him upon seeing those tears streaming down her closed eyes.
Ralph gently settled on the bed beside her wiping away those tears for which she shifted in sleep.
Ralph still remembered how she used to get nightmares in her childhood, after her parents' death.
Another sigh escaped, she is having them again!!
Perhaps..... they never left her?
"I know you are strong princess, we will make through this one day!!" Ralph whispers, caressing her hair for which she shifted again, now facing him, "I.... believe in us!! We will make it again!!"
"Through ... whatever that's ahead?" Ralph chuckled.
Ralph's focus shifted when he suddenly heard a noise from outside.
Wondering, he got up on his feet, reaching the window to check what it was.
However, Ralph was shocked to see Zamiel standing near the gate. Facing towards an unknown man.
Ralph became suspicious as he watched them conversate, their voice inaudible with the distance, their expressions changing and soon a gasp escaped him by watching Zamiel suddenly attack the man, heading towards him with a speedy push, his body moving with a golden light, and within seconds they both were nowhere to be seen.
Who was that man?
Why did Zamiel attacked him and....where did he teleport to along with him?!
Ralph staring back at Sarah's asleep figure for one last time, left the room, making his way out of the house.
Stepping out of the main gate, he took a deep breath, holding his hand out in the air with his eyes shut. Chanting the unheard, soon a golden shiny transparent barrier appeared all around the house.
Ralph who slowly opened his eyes, witnessed the barrier, his hand slowly coming down while the barrier soon disappearing from his view.
His spell exposing the created barrier.
So, Zamiel was protecting them all?!
'I might not know the enemy, but, I promise to stand with you all. I can assure you safety through my presence!'
Zamiel's words echoing for him, the man stood on his words after all.
But....who was the other man?
Was he....the unknown enemy Zamiel was speaking about?!