Humans’ Limits 0301- Reinforcements

Mountain's face went from stern to grim as he looked at all the aircrafts leaving their stealthy state and appearing in full view.

The sky which had been clear, as clear as the permanently lit and cloudy sky of the Path could be, was now overcast by the fleet. Even the hole full of raining wreckage created by Estrella from the front of the fleet to its center could not use its tragic appearance to clear any hint of hope in his heart. He could not focus on his superior and the ones she was confronting.

A wave of coldness swept over him, one he knew was coming from Estrella's attack. It cooled his mind just enough for him to snap out of his dread, preventing it from freezing him. He could now perceive with his senses which had regained their freedom the movements of the troops in the base. Obeying orders, they were getting ready.
