Part Two - New World - Chapter [048]

Going up the tower was going to be a problem, we both needed to climb it, there was a small entrance at the base of the tower, which we used to key to open the door to,

Inside we found a new weapon, that Arslan quickly took use of. 

"What's this?" He said as we started exploring the inside of this very dark room, only a few slivers of light passed through from the outside. I casted a light to illuminate the room. 

Arslan hit the very RPG looking chest inside this room with his feet two times only for it to prop open. 

Thankfully ti didn't shimmer. 

But opened up itself to reveal a strange looking weapon. 

The hilt of it, where one would usually grab it from it, was made of leather and seemed to wrap around itself an ergonomic looking design. 

The base was weird, but had blades, there was a button and Arslan pressed it on instinct. 

The weapon retracted on itself into a wooden box, it crashed and made the wooden box collapse, making a sharp sound. 

"Woah!" Was all Arslan could say. 

I bolted in surprised, he's full of surprises today. Thankfully he didn't aim that at me, or I could have been severely injured or dead even. 

That thing could easily scrape of a shoulder, it was deadly. He retracted the blades by pressing the button once again. The blades went back to their original position. 

"HA!" He looked happy. 

He placed in on his torso like the weapon was made to sit there.

I deemed it safe to approach him since he wasn't touching it anymore. We looked inside the chest. 

"What are you looking for?" He asked. 

"I was wondering if that weapon had a name," I pondered. 

"Only heaven weapons can posses a name," he casually concluded. 

I lost interest and continued looking at the room. Scouring for any Knick knacks I might find. 

Nothing of value so far, except Arslan new weapon which I think fitted him quite nicely. 

"Oh like greater weapons or something," I sighed. 

A new staff would be nice. Or an upgrade of some kind for me. 

But alas such is the way of mage. 

"You can bless weapons!" He said with a grin and held out the item with a face that said please.

I rolled my eyes. 

And threw up my eyebrow like really?

Yes really… 

I'll indulge - 

"I request for this weapon to be blessed-" I said throwing out my hands like some hocus pocos nonsense.


>Running program.

The weapon then actually started shining. 

>Input Name

I had no idea what to name this thing.

"Dancing Dagger of Poison, shall be it's name!" I said like I didn't actually believe it. But it worked. 

It stopped shining.


"This new weapon has a special poision removing buff, this applies to miasma as well," Apollo chimed in. 

"That's interesting - " I said out loud. 

"What is?!"Arslan mentioned., flabbergasted my spell had actually made the weapon blessed. 

"You can remove poision with that weapon now, might actually come in handy=" I shrugged. 

Arslan looked happy so I'm happy.