Chapter 3: The Goblin King, Part 1

We began walking through the dark alley; the way has a color of orange from the tourches, and we're anxiously and carefully walking right through it.

At last, we made it to what seemed like an arena. The place is wide and open; we can move around here freely. But we still need to be alert; this floor is the 114th. Surely a monster rests in here. And we're still at Level 1 of our level.

We're so screwed.

It appeared.

Goblin King [Level 150]

The Goblin King has a wooden club in their right hand, bulky muscles, and are at least 9 feet tall. It's muscular, and it has sharp fangs. It is staring right through us, but it looks like it doesn't care at all.

It sighed.

"I waited all these years to find a challenger that would be worthy of ending my life, and this is the one who'll challenge me." The goblin King spoke with a low, intimidating voice.

His voice frightened all of us. Fear ran down my spine, and all the hair in my body stood up. This is crazy! He's going to kill us with just one hit! I know my plan will also not work.

"Fine, I'll give you all a chance." He smashed his club to the ground and summoned low-level goblins.

The goblins attacked us, and we attacked back.

"I'll give you 24 hours to level up, then I'll fight you all for real. Don't disappoint me."

We fought for hours, with no breaks or stops. We stroke out blows like it's the last one we have. I repeated the process over and over again for 24 hours straight.




Finally, the time has come.

Klay Phantor [Level 98]

Ella Hirtzgart [Level 93]

Jyour Rudmor [Level 95]

Pourtz Kritz [Level 90]

Bruolds Pkilter [Level 120]

The goblin king stares right through us; we clearly leveled up, and we're exhausted. Adreline is rushing through my veins. I leveled up so quickly. I can't believe that I'm still standing, even now.

We're all worn out, and our weapons? We lost them hours ago. We learned to use magic and fought with only our bare hands.

Now it's time for the real deal.

The goblin king stood up from the floor, and we immediately made our move.

"Blaze Dynamite!" Pourtz shouted.


A large explosion was aimed at the goblin king. It's also not beginner's magic anymore. One of the most powerful magics in history has been made right here in this room.

"Nice Pourtz! Now it's my-"

Bruolds didn't even get to finish his last words. At lightning speed, the club has been thrown directly to his spot. Splashing the blood and landing right through us.

We lost our members as fast as we grew together.

Bruold's body went limp and fell to the ground; his head is missing, and blood is spreading all over the floor.

"BRUOLDS!!" Ella yelled with despair.

Pourtz Kritz, Jyour Rudmor, and I just looked at the body and didn't let our guard down. For some reason, the three of us didn't care at all.

With fatigue all over our body, the only thing on our mind is to survive.

Ella went to Bruold's dead body and shook it. She can't accept how fast things happened. I actually feel jealous that she can feel such emotions in such cruel times.

"Stand up, Ella! He's coming!" Jyour yelled, not showing emotions for the loss of our member.

Ella slowly stood up and wiped the tears from her face.

"I summon the almighty dragon pheonix."

Slamming her hands on the ground, Ella summoned one of the most dangerous dragons in the world. The dragon pheonix, with a dragon appearance, has a body covered in orange with a hint of red flames. Heat can be felt all over the field, and it lights up the whole area.

Copying what she did, I also put my hands on the ground, summoning one of the most dangerous monsters that I can think of.

"Summon, Black Lightning Dragon"

A magic circle formed in front of me, and a huge body of a black dragon with a big pair of wings came out. Growling at the goblin king. Lightning is coming out of its body, striking fear into the enemy ahead of us.

The goblin king rushed at us, ready to use his giant fist to punch through. He's not holding the club he threw to Bruolds.

"Got it! Impenetrable Mist Shield!"

Rushing in and taking the damage was Jyour. He withstands the damage the goblin king caused. Amazing.

"Attack!" Ella and I yelled at the same time, commanding the two dragons on our side. The two dragons showed a synchronous wave and attacked the goblin king.

It left a few scratches on its body—just a scratch. Realizing this, Jyour started to lose strength in his body. Momentarily losing confidence in our strength. It's a grave mistake.

The goblin king didn't miss this opportunity and smashed Jyour's hand. Smashing Jyour's body and beating it up rapidly, as fast as lightning. The goblin king delivered the final blow, and Jyour was sent flying.

"JYOUR!!" Ella yelled.

Jyour was sent to the wall and made a very deadly impact. His body fell down, not showing any signs that he's alive.

Ella decided to run to his body, but I held her arm and stopped her.

"Don't!" I screamed.

"Let go!" She hit my arm, and I instinctively let her go.

I tried to rush in to stop her, but a black lightning attack went in her direction. Hitting her directly quickly turned her body into dust.

It's only Pourtz Kritz and I left.

I turned around, and Pourtz Kritz is on the ground on her knees, begging for the Goblin King to spare her life.

"Please, please, I'll do anything! I'll do anything," she begged.

The goblin king, not paying attention to her words, slowly raised his club and smashed her into bits.

Pourtz's body is crushed, her organs are coming out, and her blood is spreading on the floor.

I'm the only one left.

I'm exhausted; dying might be the best outcome right now.

The thoughts that are coming out of my head right now are all negative. It's impossible to smile right now. My comrades are all on the ground. Not showing even a hint of life.

The goblin king slowly walked up to me. I didn't even flinch or show any sign of fear. I just stood here, waiting for my life to end.

"Any last words?" The goblin king spoke.

I looked him in the eye.


My body moved on its own and said those words. I'm feeling high right now; my body is light as a feather. I feel like I can do anything right now.

A ball of fire formed in my hand, and I blasted it on the goblin king's face. I backed up and braced myself.

"I'm not going to die; no, let me rephrase that. I'm not going down without a fight!"