
"Top 200!" Lisa coughed. "I think I am going to faint. That is right, Captain you know all our powers, you have not yet told us your ability. What is it? Are you ranked?" Her eyes were glittering as her curiosity took control of her. It was not just her, everyone's ears stretched loudly to hear the ability.

Ravi was included. What was Arlen's power? He knew the smiling captain in front of him was strong but he could not quite gauge how strong he was. His power was too minuscule for him to have an accurate reading.

Ranked and Unranked mutant. Each country had a ranking system of how strong someone's ability was. But in a country where more than 40% of the 100 million people were ranked, only 10000 people could get into the list of ranked mutants, and getting into the list was the ultimate glory.

"If he is ranked, why would he be the captain of a police station in Davenport? Captain, what is your ability?"

"Hey! I would like you to know that this is very honorable work."

The door opened and Sarah walked instead, she had some sweat on her forehead, "Sorry. My daughter's school called."

"Officer Adams, we have found the suspect." Lisa was all too excited to share the news.

Sarah's shoulders relaxed and Arlen shook his head, "Our job is not yet done. We need to secure some evidence for our report. Find out what he used the money for, it was cash so no transaction, Garfield mentioned that his sister was sick. Call the hospital, and find out if Mr Malley paid any bills recently and in what form did he paid them. Give it your best, the unit that gets the best result gets to choose the kind of hotpot we would order at Dunes."

"Ravi!" Lisa screamed like he was not four steps next to her.

"If you rupture my eardrums, we would not be winning anything." Ravi said as he looked at Arlen, why would he start such a competition?

Even with such thought in his mind, his fingers typed quickly, reaching the Davenport Hospital and their front desk number. Lisa copied the number and rushed to the call line.

"Was that necessary?" Ravi muttered as Arlen and he was left at the computer.

"Emily and Tariq are having a little action, I did not want the team to feel left behind," Arlen replied, showing off a white tiger tooth as he smirked.

Ravi made a mistake in what he was typing and frowned, "We would get more results if we go there in person."

"Draco has gone already."

Ah! Super speed, he has forgotten for a second. He looked at Lisa with a hint of pity.

"You underestimate her, Officer West."

Ravi looked at his partner, her short hair bobbing as she argued furiously with the person on the phone. She got frustrated and hung the call before her eyes brightened and she hurriedly called someone else.

He did not really underestimate her or anyone either, people are capable of almost anything when they are pushed to the wall.

Look at him, when he had first come to the Sentinel Realm from an unknown realm like Earth, Hunter had set up a bet on how many realms he could save before he perished.

Ravi had seen the site. 89% had voted one, and yet he reached the Number one rank of Sentinels in less than a thousand years. He doesn't make it a habit to underestimate someone,

"Captain, you judge people quickly."

Arlen nodded, "Yes, that is one of my ten flaws." He replied seriously without any hint of remorse.

Ravi's lips twitched, "Ten?"

"Through my reflection, I can see it. I am a deeply flawed man, Officer West." He put his hands behind him and looked at the ceiling as if he was staring at an invisible mirror.

Ravi's eyes widened, "The Blue Corals." Both of them looked at each other and said simultaneously, "The truth is out there and if we don't find it, it will find us in our nightmares."

Sarah instantly gave a loud cough causing the two of them to quiet down.

Arlen hurriedly sat down and pulled his chair closer to Ravi, "You watch the Blue Corals on Streamify."

Ravi nodded, "It is okay."

Arlen was mortified, "It is okay? It is only the best mystery series in Avalon. I love it so much. The first time I saw Damien, I swore that I would become a cop so I entered the police Academy. He is so amazing."

Ravi was speechless, "I don't believe it." He blinked, unsure if he heard properly.

"I am not lying, I loved him so much, I had posters wall to wall of screenshots from the movie." Arlen searched his pockets, " I have a small pinup I carry around for luck, I think I left it at home."

This person seems to be a little crazy, Ravi moistened his throat, "You chose the path of your life from a character in a movie." He enunciated each word properly to make sure he was not understanding everything correctly.

Arlen nodded, his blue eyes twinkling so much they looked like they had stars embedded in them.

"Pretty neat right? He is a model for cops around the world."

Not. At. All.

"What about you? Who is your favorite character? Lia? Mary? Chenxi?"

Ravi cocked his head, of course, Arlen's favorite character would be the do-gooder, righteous police officer. He did not like Damian, his stubbornness made things more complicated, he wondered if Arlen would put him down for a psychological evaluation if he said that Keith, the former police chief turned serial killer, was his favorite character.

He wanted to say it, if anything to see the expression that would grace that handsome face. His fingers twitched as he looked at that excited face, what to do, he really wanted to paint him.

"It is Chenxi, isn't it? He is your type of person."

"Hey!" Ravi interjected, hazel eyes flashing, "That lazy ass that is a waste of space, why on earth would he be my favorite character?"

His eyes were flashing with fire as he gritted his teeth. Arlen was stunned. Officer West had a face full of beard and his hair fell over in short bangs, the only thing that was truly visible was a pair of hazel eyes that looked dead at the worst times and gloomy at the best times, but now those hazel eyes glowed with anger, as if a sculpture had suddenly come to life.