
Aldin Randell

"Today we are going to start out on advanced magic but since Aldin already knows ice magic, I'll have to train Darvin first then we can move on together." Professor Bloom said.

"I already know how to though." Darvin said which shocked the professor. I had taught him the day I had been training him rubber.

"Then let's move on to lightning," professor Bloom said. "I'll instruct you first then you can try it after I'm done."

"Summon a small orb of water and close you eyes then concentrate as much as you can looking deep into the water and once your able to find the two energy signatures you'll need to go deeper in and separate the inner layers then bash them together." She said which made it sound easy but remembering what had happened with professor Kyle I knew better.

"And once you reach a block you have to stop." She said emphasising on the stop.

Darvin and I sat cross legged. After closing my eyes and remembering the feeling from last time I was able to see the two mana signatures but it was almost impossible to separate them they had a strong force holding them together. I retried it several times but the result would be the same. When I opened my eyes I found an also tired Darvin next to me.

"Did you succeed?" I asked and to which he replied by shaking his head.

"Professor, I'm able to feel them but it's hard to separate them." I said to her.

"Well as it is expected, they are held together by strong bonds and require more force in order to be separated. Try applying more force using more of your mana." She said.

After taking sometime to rest before I closed my eyes again and deep I focus I tried it out again. I was able to apply more pressure this time around and I would be able to nudge it a bit before it went back to position. Every time I would be able to move it slightly more than the previous time.

After several failures I woke up and immediately laid on the ground out of exhaustion. Darvin had successfully been able to separate them. I was now a step behind him. Since it was noon already we went for lunch. We were both exhausted from practicing magic all that long. And it would clearly show.

"Why is it that you guys are covering so much ground with such little time?" Natalie asked.

"Well because in class where we have to move together, we're not dragged back at all since it's only us who they are focused on." Darvin said.

After lunch we went back to the arena. Professor Bloom had yet to arrive and so we continued practicing. After several attempts I was able to separate them and in the end even bash them together.

When I opened my eyes I found professor Bloom there.

"Did you succeed in bashing them?" She asked to which I nodded. "Good, now I need you to memorise that feeling.

I closed eyes and begun bashing them together, after several tries I was able to get the feeling but time was not on our side, it was already evening.

Surprisingly my master was also there when I opened my eyes again.

"Great work, both of you." He said, this was because since I had been able to memorise the feeling and Darvin was also in the same position as I was.

"You'll continue this tomorrow, now I have a surprise for you." He said. "Follow me."

We followed him to where the dorms were and we could see a mansion that we had never noticed probably due to intoxication of fatigue.

"Get in and have a look." He said.

The mansion was huge bit only had two large bedrooms that were on the ground floor, the basement had a room similar to the lab we used for forging and the topmost floor was one with a training area. Although there were other features, these were the most noticeable.

After looking around we were really happy.

"Thank you master." Darvin said with a bow which I followed suit.

"Your welcome, what I want is for both of you to do your best." He said. "Now hurry up and go pack, your supposed to move in today. Here are the keys." Handing over a set of keys.

When we went back to the white dragon dorm, it was a bit sad leaving but they were alright with it. We moved our things in and were about o head off fro dinner but it was brought to us. After which we put our things in place and found more sets of wear in our wardrobes.

When I went down to the basement I found Darvin already there meditating. I also joined in after getting used to the feeling I woke up back Darvin was not there and also headed to bed.

Early the next morning I was woken by Darvin's knocking. When I went to the dining area I found breakfast laid out for us.


When I got into my office I found Marchionne Eddy waiting for me in my office.

"What do I owe this visit Eddy?" I asked him. We had been acquainted as he was one of the most sensible nobles I knew.

"It actually has to do with my son." He said. For a moment I thought he might have found out about Aldin and Ivan's shuffle.

"Explain further please." I said to probe the situation.

"His guards didn't get back and I wanted to know whether he safely got here?" He asked and I could see the worry in his eyes.

"Yes he did." I said and could evidently see the relief in his eyes.

"Bur I would like some tea on the student with the shortest stay in the academy, after all some little dirt won't hurt anyone." He said.

"I don't think you should be worrying about his but rather yours." I said.