Chapter 64


Aldin went to the mansion to have some sleep and informed Darvin of his required task to which he smiled rather than sigh.

'This is good news, despite the extra work I have to put in it will reduce the amount of work I have to do.' Aldin thought to himself.

As Aldin went to his room, he passed by the waiting area and saw Mars getting tutored. On seeing his master Mars immediately lit up and even bowed as Aldin passed but Aldin just waved at him as he headed to his room. The teacher who was there was shocked by this but chose to keep the question she had deep within to herself.

'Who the heck is that kid?'

They continued their lesson. Mars was rather enjoying his lessons, he had never had much time to actually be able to study, and now that he had the opportunity to do so, he was enjoying every second of it.

Noon Aldin got out of his room, took a bath and wen took his lunch before informing the guard at the door to go summon Processor Dave and left for his lesson.

The tutor and Mars had their lunch after Darvin and Aldin and the question that had been bugging her finally came out.

"Who are those kids?" She asked Mars.

"They are students of the academy." MArs simply answered.

"But isn't there life a bit extravagant." She said.

"Well with power anything is possible and those two have some great power." Mars said

"Are they from some high noble family?" She asked

I don't think so, there are other noble here but these two stick out among all the students." Mars answered.

"They are quite the mystery." She said

In the evening the tutor left and Mars went back to work and tidied the mansion.

Aldin Randell

Professor Cave and I met back at the room we were at.

"The next step to rune smiting is to be able to bring out the rune and this is achieved in a special manner. Since you are able to use your rune you must have already mastered the feeling of using it. What you need to do is bring it out to the physical world and to do that you have to bring it out but block all mana usage and then apply it through attributed mana of the attribute involved. Now give it a try but for that we need to leave since from what I've heard your runes are ones to be reckoned with." He said.

We went to the arena. There is did as he had instructed me but it was very straining to block my mana that I need giving up before I could even bring it out and at the end of the day I went back having been unsuccessful. For the remaining part of the week I was still unable to do anything it was only until then did I finally obtain some results. It was in the evening as I was coming back from my lunch, i did the usual and as if from the constant strain did it seems slightly easy to do, I was able to hold on to the rune even after blocking my mana flow and then slowly I let out the attributed man and the understating of the rune filled the strand of mana. I was using water attributed mana and filled it with the water lord rune, its shape changed to form the shape I had in my mind. I maintained it in the air and deactivated my rune.

"What do I do next?" I asked Professor Dave.

"Well now you have to apply it to an item." He said and brought out a piece of paper from his pocked.

"This is a special piece of paper capable of storing runes, all I need you to do is place it slowly on the piece of paper so that it gets imprinted on it." He said and I slowly paced it one the piece of paper.

"Good work, I am going to need you to practice on all your other runes. But not right now, you should probably go get some rest." He said and we each went our own ways.

Leon Corvus.

"So he finally succeeded, I never thought he would he would be able to finish that, did you obtain his rune?" I asked.

"Yes I did." Dave said.

"Good. Can I have it." I said

"Here it is." He said and handed it over to me which I put into one of the drawers in my desk.

"Collect the others for me." I said an after bowing he left.

'Once I have the others then it will be ready.


Aldin continued practicing his rune smiting and after two weeks he was able to bring out all his runes more and easier. And Professor Dave collected his runes one by one until he had collected all of them and one day after practice the principal summoned Aldin but not to his office, to a warehouse within the school area.

"You have done me proud, I doubt I will ever have a student as good as you and that is why I am giving you this gift to show my sincerity. He said and opened a door to a room and the contents were not what he could have possibly expected.


Mars had been diligent in his studies, after only two weeks he was able to finish all that he needed to study and the tutor had been dismissed. Many times Aldin had asked Mars to prove whether he had borne fruit of all the lessons and Mars did not disappoint. Through Aldin Mars developed a reading habit and it grew a lot but he would do that only after he had his training and his sparring partner was none other than Marlow, after being able to help Calvin a lot professor Kyle had recommended him to train Mars.