Chapter 65


"I have been assigned to train you in martial arts." Marlow said.

'And hopefully this time I can also get another prize.' Marlow thought to himself gleefully.

"I will be in your care then." Mars said.

'Good mentality, hopefully it will help you get far.' Marlow thought to himself.

"From the information I got, you are an earth user, tier one. Your power level is not high, have you ever had any formal training on the arts of magic?" Marlow asked.

"No, when I awakened I just copied what I saw other adventurers do." Mars said.

'You must have good talent to be able to copy what you see.' Marlow thought to himself impressed at this fact.

"Then we are going to start with basic knowledge, after awakening you develop a mana core, this what defines the power of a mage and supplies mana, to improve you need to improve your core needs to accumulate mana and this takes a lot of time before ones man core rises, a method was developed to assist in mana growth which is accumulation. To do this you need to draw in mana from the atmosphere and pile it up in your core to improve it."

Accumulation was a commonly known method but was never shared, such information is controlled to keep those who are low down and maintain power. The world was unfair and would always be until it wasn't.

"I never heard of it." Mars said.

"Well, it is commonly known but unless you know what you're looking for you might not be able to find it."

"And how do you perform accumulation?" Mars asked.

"You need to locate your mana core first and with you mind draw in mana from the air and fill it in your core." Marlow said.

'I think I should just educate him everything from the beginning, he lacks a lot of knowledge in magic.

"How about we try something different." Marlow said.

"If you think we should then I am alright with it." Mars said.

"Okay, first I want you to go get something from the library." Marlow said and gave Mars a list which he went and picked at the library.

"Are these books going to help me?" Mars said.

"Yes they will, you must first learn the basic of magic to be able to excel in it. Once you've gone through this book you will be able to practice magic at your fullest."

"Then let me get to it."

In two hours Mars had finished the books he had been handed to by Marlow. The first book how to draw in mana, techniques of accumulation, and the second one detailed basic uses of earth magic and the last one was basic martial arts that invoked earth magic.

"That was fast." said once Mars was done.

"It was easy, the books were not that big and I also enjoy reading." Mars said.

"Well that's good, now we can get to applying it." Marlow said. "The first thing you need to do is practice accumulation."

Mars got on the floor and with Marlow's instructions he began to accumulate mana, as he continued accumulating he went into a trance and let his whole body go. He absorbed mana for an hour but Marlow pulled him out.

"You can continue that later but now we have to focus on getting to educate you on earth magic." Marlow said. "First you have to learn the possible ways of using earth magic."

"Earth magic relies mainly on manipulation, when you manipulating earth there are various results you can obtain; shifting, shooting, molding, raising and sinking. These are used to develop spell with them as the underlying principles .Now give it a try" Marlow continued.

Mars recalled what he had learnt in the books and using his attribute used his mana to cause the earth in front of him to shift to the left then to the right, after getting a hang of it, he sunk it and even edited the shapes that would sink next was lift which was not any difficult and then finally he shot up some earth then he picked up a piece of earth and began molding it to different shapes but this was extremely tiring for him. He did it several times and got a hung of it.

Marlow was not having Mars do this because he did not have the ability to but rather because he wanted him to understand everything from the ground up. When Mars was still an adventurer all he ever did was copy the spells he would see other perform without ever understanding the underlined principles this had limited his potential greatly but now he was on a new path.

"Great work, now with what you have learnt it is best if you create spells of your own, I will not be helping you out on this."

'Hmm. I've never thought about that.'

"I'm a bit confused with this." Marlow said.

"It's simple, all you need to do is apply all that we have learnt today in a way off attacking just like how raising a pillar can be used to strike an opponent" Marlow said.

"Okay." Mars said.

Taking the lead Mars began developing his spells one by one but his ultimate flaw took him down, he ran out of mana.

"I think that is enough for today. Go get some rest we'll meet tomorrow again." Marlow said and walked out. Mars soon followed and went back to his room.

He got on his bed to rest he didn't have the urge to sleep.

'Seems that's not an option.' Mars thought to himself after several attempts before he finally sat up out of boredom, he had no books to read so he did the only thing he could do, he sat cross legged and began to meditate and practice accumulation. The feeling came back to him again, the comfort of drawing in mana to his core was intoxicating to him at this point that he lost sense of time.