Chapter 127- will explained part 2

Allan, who I discovered was the leader of one of the city guards' corps and also a fourth-tier mage, and Alastor narrated everything to the principal in detail without missing any information. Darvin and I just stood at the side as they gave him a narrative of everything. Throughout the whole discussion, it was difficult to read the principal, he was not showing any reaction and continued not to show any until the very end. 

Once they had all given their accounts the principal just stood there deep in thought and continuously sighed which caused me stomach churning.

"Thank you for informing me of all this," He said. I was doubtful as he said those words, according to my experiences with him.

"And congratulations Aldin on achieving this, we will discuss this tomorrow, I am sure you have a lot of questions regarding Will, I will do my best to clear them." He said, with a gentle smile that showed a spark of excitement. I was still doubtful of these words but now I doubted them less. The principal began walking out, and Allan and Alastor followed him out. 

"That was a close call, wasn't it," I said, relieved that I did not get an earful from the principal at the very least.

"Yeah, at least Terias did not show up as well," Darvin said. Immediately after Darvin said those words I looked at the door expecting Darvin to have jinxed it and for Terias to walk through the door and ask for an explanation I was not allowed to give. After a minute and Terias not walking in I finally let out the air I did not realise I was holding in.

"By the way, did you learn how to control your will," Darvin asked since he too was curious and needed some light in the dark uncharted territory of will.

"I can't be sure but what I remember was me fighting for control of all the mana around me, it felt almost like a tug of war," I said, Darvin's face brightened instantly and he disappeared with the wind without saying anything and left me in the room on my own. he hadn't even said anything as he left.

Darvin Talor

"I can't be sure but what I remember was me fighting for control of all the mana around me, almost like a tug of war," Aldin said and instantly an idea popped into my head, i didn't say anything since I wanted to work on my theory immediately.

I rushed out of the room as fast as I could and used the wind to propel myself, at the entrance the principal was about to exit, my instincts kicked in and I unintentionally used some of the sky's willow footwork and within an instant, I was able to appear in front of him and off to the mansion. It felt like I was moving with the wind and in seconds I got to the mansion and then to my room. When I got in I locked it immediately after getting in, I reinforced my room with a soundproof barrier for some quiet as I worked on the idea I had.

'From what Aldin says, all the mana has will, this implied that all mages had will from the moment they awakened and only from the third tier could they be able to manipulate the will, and if that were true I would have just discovered the truth behind will.

Aldin Randell

After Darvin left unannounced I was left shocked at his actions.

' All I had done was explain what I felt whenever I used devourers rune. I just could not tell them that it was all I rune, after all, I had no idea what they could do if they found out.' I thought.

'But Alastor did say that what I did was actually will, if so what does that imply,' I thought to myself. I rested for a moment to get some energy back and would also be filling my mana core with mana. My eyes were closed to rest and absorbed mana, as I was absorbing mana though, I noticed something peculiar. As mana was being drawn in something was released back to the world and my body did something to it, the mana in the air was different from what I had in my core. Then it clicked, will be just the control I had on my mana. I had finally cracked the mystery.

I would have tested it the next second but everything went black and I found myself in the dark room and the being that I would always meet was there.

He seemed to have been resting but as his eyes lazily opened.

'You're back early' he said with a smile on his face.

'I didn't know I would be back so fast,' I said.

'It's still a good thing, and if you are here it means you have finally understood the secrets behind will' he said as he straightened up and floated towards me.

'Then is it true that will is the control that I have on mana?' I asked.

"You are right and wrong at the same time, will be said to be your control over mana but in essence, it is way more than that, you can also refer to it as your intention for mana, with will you can give your mana life, make it serve you fully, the concept of mana as I left it was very shallow Would you like to open up its secrets to you?' he asked. This would have been a hard decision but surprisingly it wasn't for me.

'Yes please,' I said. If I wanted power then I would take any help I could get.

'Then fair warning, this is going to hurt a lot,' he said and everything disappeared and I was back in the physical world, but it was not over.

My head began aching a lot, it felt like my skull was being pried open with a saw. Information began to flow into my head, it was not just information but with it the experience and perception of it. I crawled up and fell to the ground, instinctively my hands began clawing at my head, the pain still did not lessen, even in the slightest. I crawled up on the bed and continued to endure the pain, seconds felt like years as I continued to bear the pain, my world had just frozen in an endless cycle of pain. Eventually, I gave up on trying to fight the pain, and it began consuming me, in seconds which felt like decades I questioned everything. When it was finally over, I closed my eyes to get the much-needed rest. I found myself again in the black space. The man was there he looked at me with eyes of pity.

'How did it go?' I asked. I almost went on a rampage at him but held myself back after reflecting on what had just learned. The knowledge and experience were in my mind and when I thought of it I was awe-struck, if that was truly what Will be then, everything was worth it.

"Yes it did,' I said with a huge grin, the pain I had just felt was gone but the miraculous knowledge was still there, a frown though crept on when I came to a realisation.

"You've probably figured out that it is limited with the amount of mana that you have right now.' He said.

'Yes, but will I even ever have enough mana to be able to do that?' I asked.

'I couldn't, but I believe that you can,' he said with a gentle smile as he patted my head.

We stood there for more than a minute, it felt awkward at first but after a few seconds I felt a resonance to the pat and it continued until he broke it.

'How are you doing with school, the last time we talked you told me about your friend, did anything new happen?' he asked.

'A lot did,' I said and began narrating about everything that happened to me since I woke up, he quietly listened as I spoke, he would ask me to add more detail where he needed me to but at some point, he seemed oddly… off.

'After Darrvin and the principal came back they came with someone else, his name was Xander, he seemed strong and wanted me to be his disciple, I said yes after he showed me how powerful he was. According to Darvin and the principal, he has a title as a tower master,' I said. As I finished this statement I felt something stir in me, something very strong like an explosion waiting to happen inside me, i was confused by this, and after a few seconds I could feel it getting suppressed, it was not gone but suppressed. When I looked at the man he seemed to have his face in a fixed position almost like he was frozen in time.