Chapter 128- will explained part 3

Aldin Randell 

As soon as the feeling had appeared as soon as it had left. 

"Do continue," he said and so I did. The sensation had not occurred again and I kept on telling him about how hectic the last week had been. 

"I want to ask are these the ones you say are the tower masters," The humanoid being in front of me asked. Figures of people I had never seen appeared in front of me, I looked at them from all directions but they did not look similar to any of the tower masters I had met. 

"I've never seen any of them in my life," I said to him.

he seemed confused but that was all.

"Then this is goodbye, but just for now," HE said and I woke up to find myself still in the hospital bed. when I looked out the window, it was not yet night time but the sunset was beautiful. From my bed, I had a wonderful view of the hill range around the school and was able to get a wonderful view of the sunset. I went through the knowledge I had just gained from my friend in the darkness, among all of it, I had many items I could currently not be able to use due to my low tier and also because of the huge amounts of mana it required, I would stick with all this information until I was able to use.

I got out once the moon had risen. I was tempted to see some of my new knowledge but I had to get back to the mansion. I got there and Mars, Zach and Isabella were having dinner. I joined them as well, but I didn't like what I heard next.

"A girl by the name of Terias came by and said she was looking for you, in the end, she had to leave because she did not have permission to be here. Darvin came in quickly and locked himself in his room. he hasn't come out since." Isabella said.

'He must have also gotten some insight when I talked about Will then, so that's why he left in a hurry,' I thought.

"Okay, then let's have dinner first, I'll deal with that later," I said and got myself a serving and ate. After dinner, I went over to the balcony to test the new skills I had just gotten.

Darvin Talor

I was done meditating on the concept of will I had just gotten from Aldin. I believed I had gotten to understand it well. But I needed to test out my understanding and since I was already cross-legged and with my eyes closed I jumped directly into testing my ideas.

I recalled the feeling of when I was learning forging with the principal. The feeling of taking over control of the material filled my brain. I did that to the mana in the air and I could immediately feel the will that was also in it. I used my strength to take over control of the mana, and I did, and I was able to take over control of the mana. And it was still floating into the air under my control and although I could still feel the pressure being exerted by the mana in the air I was still able to keep my control over it. I was satisfied with what I had just gained and hopefully, I would be able to learn more ways to use will.

At that very moment, my stomach began rumbling.

'Seems learning also takes a lot of energy,' I thought to myself and got out of the room and went to have my dinner. When I passed the library I could see Isabella reading a book happily and the two brothers playing chess in the study area. I went to the dining area to have my dinner. As I ate I couldn't stop thinking about Will, I had grasped the fundamentals of it, but I felt there was more to it than just that.

'Will is the control we have over mana, but how far does the control allow for,' I thought. If I had control of mana how much control did I have over it and what were the possibilities of this control? I began brainstorming what I could do with it, but these would remain to be ideas unless I tested them out soon. I munched down everything quickly so that I could head back to my room and go through my ideas. I walked from the table quickly and was headed to my room when I accidentally bumped into Isabella. She fell on her bums since I came in fast knocking her with my momentum.

"Sorry," I said to her and offered my hand to her. She looked up and stood on her own ignoring my hand.

"I'm the one who should be sorry, I wasn't looking in front of me," she said before walking away.

I was left stunned at what had just happened and walked away.

'She doesn't seem to like me, huh?' I thought to myself, I had had my doubt and now I was able to confirm it, nobody had helped her and I was sure to her we were all the same.

I got into my room ready to get down to work. I sat down and the first thing I tried to do was to take control of Aldin's light orb. I tried the same thing I had done earlier. I did but it took me a lot of effort, probably because Aldin was Aldin.

I was able to take over the mana but this resulted in the orb dimming due to the deficiency in mana. The mana I had taken split from the orb and was now under my control. From what I had just observed although I had taken over the mana but not the spell, probably because I was not attributed to it.

With this I had confirmed one of my theories, all mana had will and taking it over would mean one would have control over the mana and also that the attribute would not come over with it as well, sadly so, It would have been great if I could take over spells of other elements. The mana that I had taken from Aldin I used to form a small gale of wind. It went around me but suddenly disappeared.

'Well that's odd, I thought there was still mana left,' I thought. Thus was indeed odd, the mana had just disappeared and I wanted to know why. I took out mana from my mana core and it all disappeared. I tried it again but each time it would disappear. I looked up to see the orb still lit.

'If mana is not there, why is it still lit.' I thought.

I wanted to find out more about that, so I tried to take control of it. I did try but I met great resistance when I tried to, I put more effort into it but to no avail and the only thing I got was a headache. I stopped and sat back to take some rest, my head was killing me. I checked it after my rest and to my surprise I was now able to use will.

Aldin Randell

I had no idea what will was but In a short time I had been able to get great knowledge and now it was time to put it to use. I was eager to use it, but first inahf to get used to it. I recalled the feeling of using will, it came in detail. If felt odd, I had no recollection of ever using them I felt I could use it on the go.

I felt control over mana, with will I was able to take over man easily. I also realised why Barrin was unable to alter my earth pillar. I did some practice and got used to it, I tried all the new skills I had gotten and came up with ways I could use them, but the one I loved the most among them was take over. It was a skill that allowed me to override other's control over mana using a sudden burst of will.

When I tried it out I was able to take over the mana control all around me for a few meters. I could feel all the mana around me. I had total control over it. I bent it to my will, I held it in place for slightly over ten minutes before it became too much for me, I was forced to let go of my control and lose consciousness. I found myself in the dark space, this was the third time in a single day. The man was there with his calm expression on.

'What brought me here this time?' I asked.

'You overextended yourself, although you can use take over, a less powerful adaptation of domain.' He said.

'What about the others, does using them also cause me overexertion.' I said.