Chapter 129- Hard spot

Aldin Randell

'Not all of them are restricted at your current level but you will not be able to use them to their maximum capacity right now, I'd advise you to use them only when backed to a wall.' He said.

'So I can demonstrate it to my master?' I asked. He took some time before he finally responded.

'I'd advise you not to, you should at least have trumps cards, you can even only display what your friend has, and don't tell him, it'll be better that way.' He said.

'But he is my best friend,' I said.

'But if he can't do that then he'll be jealous and that might ruin your friendship.' He said this made a lot of sense to me.

'And how long will it take before I get to the fourth tier?' I asked since I had yet to have an advancement even after getting a holding on will.

'You'll have to wait for a long time before that happens, but if you want it to achieve that fast, try using devourers touch. And even so, it will still take a lot of time to get there.' He said.

'Thank you for the advice,' I said.

'No problem,' he said.

 As I waited to wake up, we both chatted, the conversations were mainly about magic. I was then suddenly back to the real world. I went to my room since I was unable to practice any of the remaining tricks, I also passed by Darvin's room to see what he had found out.

I knocked at his door, he took a couple of seconds before he finally opened the door, when he opened it he seemed extremely tired.

"Is everything alright, I could come back later?" I asked worried I might have been disturbing his sleep.

"No need, come in," He said warmly which made me feel guilty for the purpose of coming to see him.

'"Thank you," I said as I walked in.

"What brought you here?" He asked.

"I just wanted to see why you rushed out of the hospital room so quickly," I said and guilt began eating me up from the inside.

"I got an idea of will from your statement. Sorry for leaving there without an explanation." He said.

"No problem, and what did you gain?" I said using the opportunity he had just given me.

"Form a light orb," Darvin said. And I did as he had asked.d

" What I learnt is that will is the control over the mana." He said.

I could feel him using his will to take my mana, I let him until he was a second away from causing the spell to collapse when I used my own will to take over the mana, I looked up at him and smiled.

"You discovered Will too?" Darvin asked after looking at me and pointing at me accusingly.

"Guilty as charged," I said raising my hands in defeat. "When you left my room it also got me thinking about what I had just said and I was able to discover will thanks to that," I said.

"That's great!" Darvin exclaimed. It made me feel beyond awful, but I could not say anything about it, especially the man in my head.

"It is, I should probably leave, you seem tired," I said and began to walk out the door. When I got to my room I immediately went to bed.

Then next day early in the morning I found the principal waiting at the dining area. He seemed absurdly calm, I had no idea what he was thinking.

"Good morning master," I said. He looked up to look me in the face, and he had a smile on. This made me uneasy.

"Good morning Aldin, I came here to see Darvon and you, I have some things to talk to you about, so let's just wait for Darvin." He said.

"Okay," I replied.

Darvin showed up a few minutes later, he still looked tired though.

"Good morning principal," Darvin said. I didn't notice his arrival and thus turned back in shock to see him. He sat down and the principal proceeded to explain his arrival.

"Since you're all here I can say what I wanted to. From your incident last night and others before it, information that was meant to be kept discrete has been spread. Due to this your time in the academy will be cut short." He began, 

throughout his first statement, I had held my breath out of anxiety and now it was at its peak.

"Why is that?" Darvin asked.

"It's good that you asked that when the tower masters displayed their power yesterday it drew a lot of unwanted attention to the academy, in the evening when you two decided to go up in the sky within the capital, it also drew a lot of attention and the tower masters do not want to tell anyone their involvement her and that is what has led us to our current predicament. And that is why the tower masters instructed me to inform the other masters of your outstanding talent and participation in this year's tournament." the master said.

"And what are we going to do about that?" I asked, now calmed down that I was not in any trouble but also slightly angry that the tower masters tossed us into the fire.

"Well, you will both be required to take part in the end-year tournament and not against the students, but instead against other talented mages, I have savedbotofif you an advantage by not stating that you have more than one attribute, so in the tournament you will each use one attribute of your liking," He said" And tower master Xander wanted me to inform you that if he had not done this, your actions they woulhaveve taken you without care of your interests," Master said before leaving.

"I think we just got into a whole lot of problems," Darvin said.

"What do you mean, we just have to show them we are good mages and pick Xander in the end, nothing troublesome about that," I said.

"But you forget that if we choose one the others will want to eliminate their opponent's assets, us, and if we are not strong enough we might get disgraced," Darvin said in a worried voice. It hit me hard. I soon realised that with that much attention, I would have to have the strength to keep myself safe i went silent for some time as thoughts crossed my brain. Darvin was also pacing in a panic as well.

"I have a solution," I said. After thinking it through several times I came up with a solution for our issue, but it needed a whole lot of work

"What is it?" Darvin asked with a slight hint of fear on his face.

"Well have to increase our strength, I have an idea for that, also, I will work on cleaning up loose ends you just stay here and I'll take car of everything," I said. Darien looked at me with a face full of worry and confusion.

"Okay, I trust you."

"Thank you," I said. I walked out after and went master's office.

I knocked at his door which he opened fairly fast.

"What is it Aldin, is there any way I can help you'" He asked.

"Yes, I wanted to have a visit to Xander's tower," I said. He looked confused for a moment.

"Okay," He said. 

"We can even leave right now," he added, i was shocked that he had agreed so easily.

"Okay," I said and we walked out and left the city first using a carriage, when we got out of the city we used a light construct to head to the third tower.

Leon Corvus.

After the incident with Aldin. A lot of unnecessary attention had been put on the academy. He had gotten a letter from four of the tower masters, the king, the royal army general and the mages' association head. They all wanted to know more about the incident. It was causing me a lot of stress. I was about to give up and spit everything out to them but Xander arrived just in time preventing me from digging my own grave.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble this has caused, and I know that you are in a tough spot, so I had a solution for this." He said and detailed his plan to me. It involved covering the whole incident using Aldin and Darvin and then scoping them up. So far it had all gone according to plan until it did not. I was headed to the third tower when I noticed our rail, attacking him would not be possible with Aldin and heading to the tower would still not be an option, I was now again in a tough position. I increased my speed to one that Aldin could handle, which was incredibly fast hoping I could lose the tail.