When Anna got home, she noticed that neither Richard nor Jessica was around.

She called Richard, and he answered casually, "Hello, Anna."

"Richard, where are you? You said you'd pick up our daughter today."

"Today is Jessica's birthday. You were so busy that you forgot," he replied.

She gasped in frustration.

Jessica was five years old today, and the realization that she had forgotten her daughter's special day hit her hard.

She called Richard again. "Send me the address of where you are now."

After receiving the location, she quickly made her way to Mount Dave amusement park.

There, Jessica was happily enjoying time with her father.

Overcome with emotion, Anna tearfully waved at them.

As the day wound down and Jessica got tired, Anna lovingly carried her to get some ice cream and cake.

Jessica eagerly made a wish and blew out the candles on her cake.

Richard and Anna sang a heartfelt birthday song together, making Jessica even more excited.

Throughout, Richard had been quietly covering up for Anna's occasional forgetfulness.

"What did you ask God for, Jessica?" Anna asked.

"I asked Him to give me a brother," Jessica replied.

Richard and Anna exchanged glances and burst into laughter.

Jessica had always wanted a sister, not a brother.

"Why don't you want a sister anymore, Jessy?" Anna asked.

"When we grow up, I'll play with Mummy, and my brother will play with Daddy. Boy for boy and girl for girl!" Jessica said excitedly.

They were both impressed by how smart Jessica was.

Later, when they got home, Anna braced herself for Richard's usual bedtime nagging.

Expecting him to criticize her for forgetting Jessica's birthday, she was surprised when he suggested they shower together.

Richard attentively washed her back and ankle, more thoroughly than she usually did herself.

In the bedroom, he urged her to lie down on the bed, offering her a massage with his so-called "massage oil," which was really just olive oil.

As he massaged her, Anna sighed. "Richard, I really thought you were going to nag me about forgetting Jessica's birthday."

"Why would I nag you? I know how crime cases can consume your mind. You were preoccupied because you're still trying to find the killer," Richard replied.

"Thank you for understanding me, Richard."

"I always understand you, Anna. That's what keeps us strong—understanding each other."

She nodded thoughtfully. "I used to think marriage was just about love and chemistry, but it's so much more than that."

He chuckled.

She looked up at him. "How about we give Jessica a brother?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not doing anything with you tonight."

She sat up indignantly. "You just seduced me with your so-called 'anointing oil,' and now you're playing hard to get?"

He laughed. "It's not anointing oil. It's called Jesus massage oil."

She chuckled. "So you used Jesus massage oil to seduce me, but now you don't want to give Jessica a brother?"

He jumped off the bed, blinking mischievously. "You women are funny. If you're not in the mood, you make it tough for us. But once you're in the mood, if we don't give in, it means we don't love you. Don't touch me with those wicked hands."

She laughed. "So you're really going to let Jessica's prayer go to waste?"

He smirked. "Stop playing Mrs. Cunning with me."

She blew kisses at him. "Come here before I change my mind."

He jumped back on the bed, and they both broke into laughter.

Richard was the first man she had slept with, on their wedding night.

He didn't just have sex with her; he always made love to her with intention.

He loved her body and soul, with no violence—just pure need and gentle embrace.

He loved her like any good husband would.