Who's the Alpha?

Lightning clouds quickly gathered and formed in the skies above the mountains in Sienna Metropolis and a large bolt of lightning struck the sky, revealing Dr. Michelson's SUV already in its 'Hover Car' mode.

The squad appeared just in time to see Catherina fully lose total control of herself. Her human consciousness had succumbed to the wild and ruthless nature of her dragon consciousness and had been locked up deep in her dragon subconsciousness. Her eyes had glazed over and she could only see red.

She roared wildly as she started rampaging across the mountain plains, bulldozing through several mountains and tearing the forests apart, leaving the ground bare. Just the air pressure from the swing of her tail alone was enough to uproot several of the trees.

"So, this is how a dragon looks like and behaves without a human will in control", Delgato said as they stood in the distance observing the rampaging beast.

"Samuel! You are the only one who can suppress her dragon side", Dr. Michelson shouted.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Samuel asked intrigued by the statement. "Remember, you sensed the disturbances with your sister even before I informed you of it. I am positive that the power of the dragon blood in both of you is resonating hence, establishing some sort of telepathic link between the two of you. You should be able to reach her human consciousness with that link. But before that, you have to release it by suppressing her dragon consciousness", Dr. Michelson explained.

"How am I supposed to suppress her dragon consciousness?" Samuel asked. "There are stories in myth and even fiction that portray people taming dragons by defeating them. My educated guess is, when dragons are defeated in battle, they are made docile and they submit to the victor".

"Other stories explain that, dragons travel as a horde, and much like wolves, who travel in a pack, they always have a single leader. That leader has the power to force their will upon the rest of the horde. And just like wolves, before you are recognized as the leader, you must establish yourself as the strongest", he explained as Samuel took in the information.

"You must defeat her in combat and make her dragon side recognize you as its Alpha. When that happens, use your authority and hypnosis to forcefully suppress her dragon consciousness, then simultaneously reach into her psyche and pull out her human consciousness. Her dragon consciousness will succumb to your hypnosis since, unlike you, her human and dragon consciousnesses are out of sync. Therefore, she is not stable enough to resist your hypnotic impulses".

"But take note, in her current state, she is fiercer, more erratic and more volatile, hence making her extremely dangerous; more dangerous than you can imagine. You need to be very careful around her. Don't give her the chance to take you down, you must attack with the intent to kill. That is the only way to win", Dr. Michelson instructed and warned.

"But, if I was to go down, couldn't Sylvester and Sylvia step up and stop her?" Samuel asked. "Not really. First of all, like I mentioned before, the strongest dragon becomes the alpha in the horde. If she manages to defeat you, you would not be able to reject her commands no matter how balanced your psyches are".

"She could very well instruct you to join in her rampage. Nothing could stop you both then. Also, remember back during your spars with the twins, we realized that you were impervious to their lightning attacks, which is basically their signature power. You were able to tank each and every attack, therefore, I'm pretty sure she most likely has the same ability. They couldn't stop her rampaging even if they tried. Basically, the only solution to this situation is you becoming her Alpha!" Dr. Michelson explained.

Samuel looked at his sister, sighed loudly and said, "Very well, let's get it over with". No sooner had he ended his statement, they looked up to see a large and powerful breath of fire shooting their way.

Samuel used his wings to push everyone back and quickly created a giant ramp made of a powerful breath of ice, successfully redirecting the breath of fire above their heads. The fierce breath of flames struck a mountain in the distance, completely destroying it. Nothing was left of the mountain but a giant pool of steaming lava.

"Wow!! The heat is insane. Those flames are no joke. It seems you have been holding out on us all this while", Sylvester shouted to Samuel who could only shrug. Samuel turned his head and with his telescopic vision was able to locate his parents and Catherina's school tour bus. Fortunately, they were not in the line of fire or currently in the rampaging Catherina's line of sight.

"You guys get my parents and the students to safety, things might get a little messy. I will not be able to give my best with them so close to the battle", Samuel said pointing to the location of his parents.

"Sure thing", Sylvia said as she and her brother flew ahead with Dr. Michelson and Delgato following behind them in the hover car. "Let's get it on baby sis", he said as he run toward his rampaging sister. Dr. Michelson and the three kids flew the long way to where Samuel's parent's and the tour bus were to keep our of Catherina's sight.

"Thanks for coming so soon", Bernard gave his thanks as he shook Dr. Michelson's hand. "I'm sorry. Ideally, we should have been here before she completely lost control but it seems we were a few seconds too late", Dr. Michelson apologized. He then proceeded to quickly introduce the three kids to them.

Bernard and Vivian joined Dr. Michelson and Delgato in the car as Helen secured herself in her seat. A few occupants of the bus were starting to regain their consciousness when Sylvester and Sylvia picked up the bus. They froze in shock as they saw their bus soaring through the air, going nobody knows where.

The twins carried the bus to safety with the hover car following closely behind them, astonishment clear on the faces of the two parents.

Samuel took in a deep breath and with a bright glow, transformed into a red version of his sister's current dragon form. He gave out a loud roar, which jolted the partially conscious bus occupants back to reality, as he gradually approached her. She roared back with greater intensity, responding to his challenge, as the two humungous beasts stared each other down.

The twins flew to a high plateau a good distance away. Even with the distance, the two monsters were still clear as day. The twins then cast a multi-layered lightning barrier to serve as a defensive shield around the entire plateau.

"Good thinking", Dr. Michelson said as he, Delgato, and the Griffins got out of the SUV and stood by the twins' sides at the edge of the cliff to observe the match. "I hope they both come out of this safely", Vivian said with tears in her eyes and her hands clasped together. "They'll be fine. Let's have faith in them", Bernard said as he hugged his teary-eyed wife.

Helen quickly got out of the bus and stood by Vivian's side a little frazzled. Before her were two creatures she never thought she would ever see with her own two eyes. "Wow! Two powerful creatures are about to duke it out, and I get to watch. This is so cool!" she thought out loud quite excitedly, completely disregarding the current mood.

"You have a front row seat for this battle but I think you better take cover in the bus", Sylvester advised. "Alright", she replied and obeyed immediately, running into the bus.

Sylvia then created a second lightning barrier within the first barrier, centered around the bus to grant it extra protection just in case.