A Long Time Coming

The older brother, Caralcus, held out his hand to the ship and a large great sword floated out and flew into his hand. He swung it a few times before he turned and faced Silendiana.

"Now my queen, as an ex-warrior of the proud kingdom of Hexanza, I will be the one to take you on and finish what we started years ago. It's time for the royal family of Hexanza to be erased from existence", Caralcus declared as an ominous green aura enveloped his entire body as well as the large sword.

"I see you cultivated that evil power to this level, however, if you think you are capable of taking me on, bring it on!" Silendiana said as she pulled out a retractable sword and released an aura of her own around her body and sword. She had a yellowish-golden sheen surrounding her as slight sparks of lightning coursed over her sword.

"Take care of the brats!", Caralcus shouted to his brother who stood to the side facing the children with a sinister grin on his face. "Just do what you've got to do bro, I'll handle these kids", Caralmus said as he flexed his muscles, clenched his fists and cracked his knuckles. Although he was the younger of the two brothers, he had a more muscular build than his brother.

"Don't worry about us Mom. This battle has been a long time coming. Everything must end today", Sylvester informed his mother who nodded in response.

"Time to die!", Caralcus shouted as he charged at Silendiana. Silendiana sliced the air with her sword and charged as well. Their swords clashed sending a shockwave of aura and wind spreading outwards. The audience in the stadium screamed as the shockwave reached them.

"Delgato, please do something about the crowd", Sylvia said as she and her brother floated closer to the muscular man, anticipating his first strike.

Delgato dove and flew down towards the stadium. Caralmus ignored him after sensing that Delgato was not a Hexanzan. Delgato shot down and landed in the center of the pitch. The crowd got restless as they wanted to escape the battle zone after seeing the strange people. Sensing this, Delgato turned to them.

"Everyone, please stay right where you are. I can't guarantee your protection if you try anything dumb", Delgato announced through the stadium's speakers and informed the audience who sat back down quietly and spectated the battle.

"Release all barrier cores", he commanded as six slots opened on his back and stick-like devices, the length of pencils, shot out heading in six different directions.

The devices flew upwards and then shot back down, embedding themselves into the stadium's rooftop and beginning to emit a faint glow. Delgato then fished out a similar but larger device with a little ball on the top from a slot on his thigh.

He pressed a button and all the devices elongated, reaching a length of on meter. He stuck the device into the ground and took a few steps back.

"Activate – Prism barrier!!" he shouted as the central device activated. This was followed by a chain activation of all the other devices across the rooftop of the stadium.

The ball on the central device shot into the sky as beams from the other devices simultaneously shot out and met the ball at the center, a few meters above the stadium. The beams of light spread out like a sheet, joining together until the entire stadium was encased in it.

The audience gasped in awe at the light show before them. They wondered whether such a thing would be capable of shielding them but no one had the guts to question it. They could lonely sit still and watch. Most were already live streaming the battle on the internet, with thousands around the world watching.

"The barrier is set. Feel free to go wild", Delgato said to the twins over the comms and they nodded in acknowledgement. Assured of the crowd's safety, Sylvester then changed the frequency on his comm, contacting Samuel. "Hey Samuel, can you please take care of the ship?" he asked. "Already on it", Samuel replied as he arrived on the battle field and grabbed hold of the piece of the ship.

The lightning net dispersed and he slowly lowered the piece of the ship away from the stadium unto a large grassy lawn. He then sat atop the ship and observed the battle as he had been requested to allow the battle be between Hexanzians. He would only interfere when the worst- case scenario happens.

Watching Silendiana go all out for the first time was an astonishing sight for him. His draconic eyes could of course keep up with the high-speed battle but it was amazing all the same.

After clashing once again, Silendiana backed off and swung her sword. The sword dismantled and targeted Caralcus but he reacted on time and deflected it with his sword.

Silendiana drew back the handle and all the pieces of the sword returned and reassembled itself. Almost immediately, she charged once again at lightning speed and clashed with Caralcus pushing him back with great force.

Smiling as he observed Silendiana having the upper hand, Samuel then turned his gaze to his friends and stared intensely at their opponent with glowing eyes.

Caralmus felt an instinctive sense of fear after meeting Samuel's gaze and he didn't know why. Sitting below him, without a care in the world, was a creature he had never seen before staring at him with the eyes of a supreme predator.

Nothing about the creature looked any more dangerous than any other predator he had seen on other planets. The creature was clearly a young one but its predisposition was contrary to his understanding.

He hesitated to make a move as he could not process the reason behind his fear but after realizing that the creature had no intention of joining the battle, his hubris returned full force.

He cackled loudly as an ominous aura similar to that of his big brother began surrounding his entire body. He smashed his fists together and urged them to attack.

Sylvester led the attack and got in close, starting to exchange punches with Caralmus. Each punch he threw was super charged with lightning granting it greater power. In order to guard against the lightning, Caralmus met his punches with fists infused with his ominous auras.

Sylvia stayed back and supported her brother, striking whenever there was an opening with point blank and ranged lightning spear and lightning strike attacks.

Although disadvantaged, Caralmus couldn't help but laugh maniacally. He struggled with defending himself from both Sylvester's physical attacks and Sylvia's ranged and point blank lightning attacks.

The two battles happened simultaneously in the sky and the crowd could only gawk in amazement. Even though they were unable to follow the speed of the battle, the effects of the clashes were plain for all to see.

With each clash of fists and swords, shockwaves of wind and lightning shot outwards. The prism barrier served its purpose of shielding the stadium and its audience from stray attacks.

 A sudden simultaneous strike by the two brothers forced the royal Hexanzan family back.

"Something is wrong", Sylvester mentioned to the rest. "I noticed. No matter the wound I inflict upon him, he seems to recover quickly and strike back", Silendiana reported and took in a deep breath to calm her nerves. "We have our work cut out for us", Sylvester said as he stared at the grinning Caralmus.