Annihilation Sphere

"Hey guys, Lisia has found the cause of your conundrum", Samuel interrupted over the comms. "Tell us!" Sylvia urged.

"After analyzing their movements so far in this battle, Lisia run a comparison with archived data of the last recorded data made on the two brothers before her connection to the prison ship was severed".

"She infers that, a certain factor came into play between the point in time in which they entered the wormhole and their arrival to Earth. Also, from the faint traces of radiation recorded from the release of their auras, it is likely that they were bombarded with radiation as they moved through the wormhole and coincidentally had a boost in strength through their mutations. At this rate, they would be able to quickly recover from any half-hearted attack", Samuel reported.

"I see…so that's how it is", Silendiana said as she stared at the two brothers who had joined together. "Hahaha! Oh, my Queen, is this really the best you and your brats are capable of?" Caralcus said as he gazed at them with disdain. After saying this, he looked down and his eyes fell on the stadium. He instantly realised the true situation.

'It seems they are holding back in order to protect those inferior beings hiding behind the barrier', he telepathically communicated with his brother, disgust apparent in his voice.

'Then let's lighten the load on their shoulders', Caralmus replied and flashed a menacing grin. Both brothers raised their hands and started charging a joint attack. Silendiana and the twins braced themselves to defend from the attack.

"I've figured you out. It seems you will never allow yourselves to fight seriously while near all these inferior beings. If that's the case then there is only one thing to do", Caralcus declared as the joint attack fully charged.

""Annihilation Sphere!!"" both brothers shouted as they fired the ball of death filled with a concentration of greenish ominous aura. To the shock of Silendiana and the twins, the attack was not aimed at them but at the stadium full of people below them. The shock of the situation caused them to hesitate in acting.

Charged with protecting the stadium, Delgato stood firmly in the center of the stadium controlling the eye of the prism shield. Seeing the attack coming their way, he quickly set the shield to the highest level and the prism barrier strengthened and expanded outwards quickly.

The annihilation sphere clashed with the barrier and both elements seemed to be evenly matched. Standing before the central device, Delgato realised that, unlike how it appeared, the prism barrier was actually being destroyed. Before he could react, the barrier shattered and the sphere exploded covering the entire stadium in an ocean of green ominous flames.

""Noooo!!!"" Sylvester and Sylvia shouted as they tried to reach the stadium but were too late. They could only watch as the ominous green flames washed over the entire stadium melting the outer walls.

The two brothers burst out in hysterical laughter as they observed the despair on the faces of their adversaries. "Now you can focus on the battle and not worry about insignificant creatures like these", Caralcus informed only to be met by the wrathful gazes of the twins.

"Did you really think I'll allow you to harm humans in my presence", a sudden booming voice sounded out of the flames. The voice drew all attention from both groups with one group recognizing the voice and smiling and with the other shocked by someone surviving in the midst of their annihilation flames.

The ocean of ominous green flames started twirling and converging into the center of the spin. The flames were compressed back into a ball and hovered in place leaving only dense smoke covering the stadium and concealing the owner of the voice.

As the two brothers watched on, shocked by what just happened, a large monstrous head suddenly appeared out of the smoke and swallowed the ominous ball of flames. The creature's enormous wings appeared out of the smoke and with a single flap, all the smoke in the stadium was dispersed instantly.

"Disgusting", the monster said as he released a plume of smoke through its large fangs.

The eyes of two brothers almost popped out of their sockets as they observed that, not a single blade of grass was charred by the flames of their annihilation sphere, not to talk of the humans in the colosseum-like building. What manner of creature was this anyway. They could not help but wonder.

The crowd sat frozen in shock by what had just happened. First of all, a group of superhumans were having a battle above their heads against what looked like alien invaders.

This was a freaky situation on its own but things turned for the worst as an attack was directed at them and the only thing supposedly protecting them was destroyed. Their deaths were all but guaranteed.

Now here they were, sitting under the protection of the wings of a large, monstrous dragon. What else could they do but to sit in complete shock, awaiting what direction their fates would take them.

Samuel looked towards the sky and gave a loud deafening roar causing the crowd under him to cover their ears and instilling fear into them. The brothers felt this fear and backed up unconsciously.

Samuel turned his massive head to his friends and teacher. "Stop holding back. Evil like this should not be allowed to persist anymore. Erase them!!" he commanded in his deep draconic voice that travelled for miles.

The battle was being observed by millions around the world and the residents of Cape Metro city had a front row seat for the battle.

It is well known that the lightning using individuals were based in Cape Metro city as they are occasionally videoed fighting crime and the like around the city. Watching these individuals battling unknown invaders while defending the town, they could not help but pray for their victory.

The appearance of a familiar dragon protecting the people in the stead of the lightning users was the manifestation of their prayers being answered. They could do nothing but watch on as the battle proceeded.

After hearing the command from their friend, the twins smiled in response and nodded. "You've got it. It's time we let loose for the first time in a long while. We haven't used this form much and doing this will leave us sore after", Sylvester said as she he stretched his body.

"Yeah, this power normally causes damage blindly but with Samuel here as the ultimate defense, there is nothing to worry about", Sylvia said as she stretched as well.

Their eyes glowed a bright golden color as darker and denser thunder clouds formed above their heads.

Thunder boomed loudly in the sky as multiple streaks of lightning flashed brightly amidst the clouds. Looking like the clouds could no longer contain the lightning, thunder boomed a final time as multiple bolts of lightning fell upon the twins.

The multitudes of lightning bolts fell like rain and encased them forming a sphere of pure lightning around them.

After a few seconds, the sphere shattered, revealing the twins in their third combat forms. They wore clawed gauntlets and boots made of lightning on their hands and feet and also had an outline of big cats made up of lightning around each of them.

"Let's get this over with", Sylvia said as the lightning cats roared loudly, establishing their superiority over every being currently on the battle field, as thunder boomed loudly in the sky.