Genesis - Crimson Execution

The two brothers were currently regretting their folly as they gazed at the remnants of the planet Kingdom Hexanza's royal family standing before them in all their glory.

The display of power and control trumped everything they had seen or experienced back on their planet before their incarceration.

The twins charged at the two brothers and clashed with them, completely overpowering them while Silendiana stayed back with her eyes closed, focusing on consciously building up more mana in her body

The unnatural strength upon which the two brothers prided themselves was no longer a factor as they tried their best to defend themselves from the attacks of the Hexanzian prince and princess. Caralcus' sword experienced multiple cracks with each attack he defended against and it was soon shattered after taking a few hits from Sylvester's lightning claws.

With the help of their ability to regenerate, they managed to survive lethal strikes to vulnerable parts of their bodies. Caralmus managed to survive having a chunk of his midsection gouged out by Sylvia's lightning claw.

After a few minutes of engaging in a battle of attrition, the brothers started to realize a fatal flaw in their regeneration ability. Due to never being in a situation that would have them engage in a one-sided battle against them, they never realized this flaw.

After receiving several life-threatening attacks in this battle, their power of regeneration was kicked into over gear. The constant need of their bodies to quickly repair the damages being constantly done to them was draining huge chunks of their stamina reserves as well as the corrupted mana in their bodies.

As more and more wounds were inflicted, the speed of their regeneration fell more and more. The crowd, shielded from stray lightning and other attacks by the body and wings of the large dragon cheered silently as the invaders were wrecked beyond recognition.

Soon, the brothers were left as nothing but bloody messes, only having the strength to float in place in the sky.

They scoured around with their eyes, trying to find a way to escape their predicament and recover, but before they could act, a large yellow trigram appeared below and above them.

Shocked by the appearance of the circle, they hesitated in their actions and before they could recover, multiple chains of lightning sprung out of the trigrams and imprisoned the two brothers.

"This battle has gone on for far too long, it's time to end it", Silendiana said as she flew up to the trapped brothers. "As the last queen of Hexanza, I hereby pass judgement upon you. You shall be executed for your crimes. May your sins accompany you down the pits of hell", she said as Sylvester and Sylvia joined her. They had changed back into their first combat form to preserve their energies and taken their positions in the sky awaiting the activation of the grand annihilation technique.

"Triskelion!!" Silendiana's eyes glowed as she shouted and the pieces of the triskelion embedded in each of their chests made an appearance once again.

Beams of golden light connected each of their individual pieces forming a triangle, which then evolved into a giant hexagram.

Following this, thunder clouds even denser than before formed in the skies above them and thicker bolts of lightning flashed within them.

The hexagram glowed dimly and the bolts of lightning started falling towards them. The hundreds of meter thick lightning bolts were all pulled into the hexagram and were being absorbed by it.

The Hexagram glowed brighter and brighter the more lightning it absorbed and after a few minutes, the hexagram was shining brightly, lighting up the entire sky.

Silendiana then raised her hand and pointed it at the circle, "Activate…Crimson Genesis". The Hexagram started to spin in place as it slowly changed from golden color to a brilliant crimson red.

Once fully red, the hexagram split into two copies and positioned themselves above and below the restrained brothers who appeared to have already given up on surviving this ordeal.

With the simultaneous clapping of their hands and a harmonious shout, the spell was activated, """ANNIHILATION TECHNIQUE: GENESIS – CRIMSON EXECUTION!!"""

The two hexagrams glowed as with a single flash, beams of red light were shot at the trapped brothers, encasing them and completely erasing their existence. The spell took no more than ten seconds to render. The hexagrams disappeared right after, as the dense clouds dispersed and the sky returned to normal.

Delgato called back all the devices as he jumped atop Samuel's large back. Samuel then flew into the sky and caught the bodies of his exhausted friends and teacher, leaving behind a dumbfounded audience who didn't even know what action to take next. Samuel then proceeded to grab the other piece of the ship off the ground and flew away towards the base in the jungle.


A few minutes prior, as Silendiana and her children cast the annihilation technique, the large sphere hidden in the depths of the Earth's core was vibrating strongly.

The vibration caused multiple fractures to appear all over the sphere as well as widening the small crack already present causing more of its contents to be leaked out. As more of the gaseous mana was leaked out, the planet's crust was being saturated with it.

The mana slowly found its way to a nest hidden a few meters in the ground of an island several hundred miles off the coast of Sienna Metropolis. The nest had a single egg laying in it. By its appearance alone, the egg was old and most likely long abandoned but it appeared to have life within it as it slowly absorbed the little mana present in the soil around it.

Above the surface was a relatively primitive village that sustained itself with the bounty of the forest. They hunted and foraged for their food as well as grew a few crops of their own to feed their families and the community as a whole.

The warriors of the community stood on the beach, staring at the face of an unknown unconscious man who appeared to have been washed ashore with his equipment.

Upon the orders of the village chief, the warriors carried the man and his equipment into the village and laid him down on a bed within an empty mud house.


With everything that happened that day, the interschool match was annulled and postponed for another time. No one spoke against the decision as their experiences today trumped any sport they had ever or will ever witness.

Samuel and his friends had managed to sneak back into the crowd without anyone realizing they were gone in the first place. They had fun discussions with their friends trying to theorize the origins of the beings that partook in the battle.

Half an hour later, all the Sienna Metro High students and faculty were aboard their buses travelling down the highway returning to their city.

The events of the day continued to play out across all channels of communications especially the news and people beginning to wonder what the government intended to do about creatures such as the dragon who was casually roaming about in the country.

They could only hope that this was the end of it but everyone knows that, you never get what you wish for, after all, you get what you get and you don't get upset.