Midnight Stroll

Sitting in his booth, the DJ switched to a slow romantic song as the couple had their first dance as Prom royalty; everyone else gazing at them with smiles on their faces.

After a few minutes, they all joined in the dance. Each couple hugged each other as they slowly danced to the music.

"Dude, what did you guys do? I was so sure that both of you would be crowned", McCollin asked as Samuel and Elizabeth moved closer to Karen and him.

"He's right. I even voted for both of you", Karen added. "It's simple really. We just secretly convinced everyone to vote for you", Samuel said nonchalantly as he continued to dance with Elizabeth.

"Why would you two go through such trouble?" Karen asked confused. "It was our congratulatory gift to you", Elizabeth answered.

"Congratulatory gift? What for? What are you talking about?" McCollin asked even more confused than before.

"Come on dude, are you really going to make us say it?" Samuel asked in an exasperated manner but McCollin and Karen still had a confused look on their faces.

"We already know that you two secretly like each other but are too scared to voice it out", Samuel announced, dropping a bombshell on the two, stunning them into silence.

"We knew if we left it to you, we'd graduate out of high school and you'd still not have confessed to each other. Therefore, we took it upon ourselves to create the perfect situation for you to confess your feelings for each other", Elizabeth added with a smile.

Hearing this, McCollin and Karen were overwhelmed. Indeed, they had feelings for each other but they always assumed their affections were unrequited. McCollin took a deep breath as he tried to build up his confidence.

For a long time, he had come so close to asking Karen out but he always chickened out in the end.

With this new and probably the final opportunity given to him by his friends, he cleared his throat and looked towards Karen.

She on the other hand was currently sporting a flushed face with her head down. Her long-kept secret had just been aired out and she couldn't help but be extremely embarrassed.

With his confidence at an all-time high, McCollin propped up Karen's chin until she gazed directly into his eyes.

"Karen, I know it feels like this is forced but, here goes…I really like you, and…it'll make me the happiest if you'd consider going out with me", McCollin said with one breath.

Without a word, Karen nodded and hugged him tightly. There was a sudden burst of applause from the surrounding students in congratulation.

McCollin and Karen's faces were flushed in embarrassment as they totally forgot the environment, they were currently in.

After a few minutes, the crowd returned to their dancing and, McCollin and Karen continued dancing; feeling closer than they had ever been before.

When the clock struck 12 midnight, the programme finally came to an end. The students had grouped together for final photo shoots with their friends, principals and teachers, and finishing up with a class photograph for the school year book.

Once done with the photoshoots, the crowd started trickling out of the venue slowly.

The valets were in full gear as they brought each car in front of the venue for their various owners.

Soon it was left with only a few students with the principals, chaperone, teachers and the contracted staff and security.

The principal shook Alex Smith's hand in goodbye as he headed towards the end of the red carpet, up to his SUV with a few of the remaining teachers.

The vice principal and the remaining teachers followed behind and left in their own designated vehicles after the principal had left.

 McCollin and Karen snuggled together as they came down the red carpet. His black Subaru pulled up in front of them and the valet got out and quickly exchanged the key with the numbered card given him when they first arrived.

He opened the door and helped Karen into her seat, and after closing the door, he waved off his friends and entered the car.

With a roar of the car's engine, he sped off into the distance as a black hummer limousine pulled up next.

"Please take the others home Al, we'll find our own way home tonight", Samuel said to his driver after the other couples entered the vehicle. Alfred nodded without a question.

"Very well young master. I wish you both a good night", Alfred said and turned, heading for his seat behind the wheel. Samuel waved to his friends as the hummer limousine slowly pulled away.

"What's going on? Why aren't you two heading back with the car?" Alex asked as he walked up to them, waiting for the valets to bring his car around.

"I'm taking Elizabeth on a midnight stroll. She'll be home before you know it so, don't worry", Samuel replied.

"Don't worry dad, it's just a midnight stroll. Samuel is extremely capable of keeping me perfectly safe", Elizabeth assured her father.

"Very well then, be sure to take good care of her", Alex said to Samuel as he entered his car and sped off.

Samuel held Elizabeth's hand and led her away from the premises, heading towards the city.

"So, where are you taking me?" Elizabeth asked as they walked along the sidewalk. "I think it's about time I fulfilled my promise to you and introduce you to my other self", he informed her and she beamed in excitement. "Really?! I can't wait!" she said excitedly.

Samuel led her through the city until they reached the city's central park. They walked along the footpath through the trees until they came upon an open patch of grassland near the park's lake normally used by families and couples for picnics.

As it was midnight, they were currently the only people in the park, save for the few homeless people sleeping on park benches around the park.

"This place brings back memories of the grassy plateau back in the mountains", Elizabeth said in a nostalgic tone and blushed after she recalled the kiss they shared as kids.