Her 'One'

Samuel let go of her hands, took a step forward and turned to face her. With a dull glow, his body morphed into his Prime Emergence form.

His large tail swayed from side to side and his wings were neatly tucked together on his back.

In his regular human form, he was half a head taller than Elizabeth but now, in his prime emergence form, he was now almost two heads taller than her.

"I've missed this form of yours", Elizabeth said as she stepped closer and placed her hand on his scaly cheek.

"Just like I promised, it's time to introduce you to my other self", Samuel said as he removed her hand from his cheek and walked away from her; creating a large distance between them. "This is what I truly am!!" he declared as his body glowed once more as he transformed into a fifty-meter-tall red dragon.

His enormous pair of wings swung open, creating a strong wind current that almost knocked Elizabeth off her feet. His long tail swayed from side to side, generating a strong current with each sway.

Elizabeth couldn't help but stare in shock and awe. Her blood sped up in her veins as she felt a sense of familiarity so profound that it almost seemed primal. She had no idea from where such a sense came, but all she knew was, before her stood her 'ONE'.

Samuel lowered his large head and nudged her gently, drawing her out of her shocked stupor. "Beautiful!" she mumbled as she slowly dragged her hand over his pristine scales that seemed to glow under the moon light.

"Come with me", Samuel said in his deep draconic voice as he placed his large and clawed palm unto the ground beside her. "Are you taking me flying?! It's been so long since the last time!" Elizabeth shouted in excitement." Samuel only gave a smile and nodded in return.

Elizabeth excitedly jumped unto his hand with her trained agility. Samuel lifted her and placed her on his head, right between his massive, curved horns. "Wicked!" she mumbles as she stroked the ridges of his horns.

"Hold on tight", Samuel instructed as he opened his large wings, and with a few flaps, was off the ground, speeding towards the sky. Elizabeth gritted her teeth as she strained her arms and eyes, trying to hang on and not be blown away by the wind pressure.

With their current height, she could see other cities way in the distance. The lights of the city below them continued to shrink more and more until the city was nothing but a speck of light shrouded in the darkness.

As she kept on the struggle in hanging on, her heart rate spiked as her strained muscles suddenly bulged and immediately tightened once again. Her eyes glowed slightly as her pupils turned into reptilian slits.

"What is happening?" Elizabeth pondered to herself as she realised, she was no longer struggling to stay on Samuel's head. In fact, she could see clearly through the strong winds that were previously blinding her.

"It seems my hypothesis was correct", Samuel said suddenly, interrupting her pondering. "What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked with a perplexed look on her face.

"Your dragon characteristics tend to appear when you are in stressful situations, and those situations always tend to involve something truly life threatening, leading your alter ego to always take over in order to protect you. Because of this, your primary consciousness has never been able to get used to it", Samuel informed.

"Meaning?!" Elizabeth enquired further. "In order to allow your primary consciousness, acclimate to your changes, I decided to force the transformation by putting you through an intense situation close to life threatening but not so much as to force your alter ego out. It seems my gamble worked", Samuel explained.

"I see. So that's what that was. I assumed that was what flying on a dragon was like", she replied as Samuel's large form broke through the clouds and soared above them. "So beautiful!" she said as they cruised slowly above the clouds.

"Welcome to my world Elizabeth! This is the domain of creatures like us; like the one sleeping deep in your subconscious", Samuel declared as Elizabeth gazed at the world surrounding her through her draconic eyes.

"So, this is how you see the world, it's incredible", she remarked as she looked towards the clear starry night sky. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Samuel asked as he flew on further into the night. "Yes…it is. Never thought I'll ever get to experience such splendor", she mumbled as her draconic eyes glistened.

"So…is this change of mine permanent?" she asked him after a few minutes of flying. "No! It should revert by itself in a little while. Until you can consciously will it into being, it would probably only be activated by your alter ego when you are in a life-threatening scenario; like it has happened in the past, or…in a scenario like I put you through tonight", Samuel answered.

"Well, is there any way to merge the two personalities? I don't like the idea of someone else being in control of my body", she asked, stating her frustration over her condition.

"It will probably take some time but, after you practice staying in your transformed state with your primary personality, the two should integrate on their own", Samuel explained to her.

"Haha! I can't wait", she said as Samuel flapped his wings strongly, increasing his speed further.

After half an hour of doing nothing but just cruising above the clouds, Elizabeth sneezed and shivered slightly; finally feeling the cold for the first time during their 'stroll' through the night sky.

"I'm guessing your draconic resistance to the cold is reaching its limit due to your incomplete acclimation. It's time to return to the city", Samuel explained as he turned his massive body in the sky and sped back through the clouds, heading down to the city.

After a few minutes, he reached the park and slowly descended to the ground. After helping her off his back, he transformed back into his Prime emergence form and walked up to her.

"So…how was Prom…and your first flight through the sky?" he asked her as gently held her hand and gazed into her eyes. Without answering him, she stepped closer and placed her arms around his neck. She lifted herself unto the tips of her toes and kissed him passionately.

Samuel's eyes glowed sharply as all his instincts heightened. He held unto her waist returning the kiss; covering her in his large wings, as they conveyed their love for each other.

"Tonight was amazing…you are amazing. I really love you; I hope you know that", Elizabeth said after the kiss ended. "My love for you will remain eternal", he said, kissing her once again as they bathed in the light of the moon.