Chapter 17: Finally, the Dungeon

When we reach the dungeon, there are a lot more officials than I expected. Which is to say, there are officials. Three of them, who take our names and note our levels without even asking about them.

“Welcome to the Bianese Dungeon,” the first one says, sounding bored. “Please step forward to register.”

We step forward, and the next one in line uses some kind of analysis skill on us.

“Daniel, level thirty-four. Petra, level twenty-nine. Harper, level twenty.” The man stops and stares at me, a kindly smile on his face. “First time?” he asks. I nod. “Well, try to stay on the first floor. There’s a twelve-level jump to floor two. Your friends will probably be okay, but you’ll be in a lot of trouble if you delve too deep.”

I smile. “Duly noted,” I say.