Chapter 34: Finishing the Maze

I can’t help but think that if Steve had been really smart, he would’ve reversed the way he put the traps on the second half of the maze. If players made it to the central room by following the trail of no-traps, they’ll be able to get through the second half easily. Unless he changed the pattern. But he didn’t.

So while it takes another few hours, and raises my Detect Trap all the way up to 10, as a whole it isn’t all that difficult.

As soon as we exit the maze, we find ourselves in a large underground cavern. I know the roof is relatively thin – the storm is going to knock a bunch of those rocks down, and that’s how people are going to be able to find the city when it is no longer supposed to be lost. But for now, it looks solid enough.

“Any idea what time it is?” I ask, yawning.

Petra shakes her head. “Time for sleep,” she says.