
Sitting in front of the newly assembled quantum computer at the warehouse, his fingers flying over the keys as he typed the final lines of code for the new programming language. With a satisfied sigh, he leaned back. "Whew, that took a minute," he muttered to himself. "Now, this should expedite the process of creating the AI." He pondered a suitable name for the AI. "Orion... Yeah, that works for now. I'll ask the AI if it likes the name too."

His stomach growled, interrupting his thoughts. "I really want to finish this, but I'm starving. Quick food run, then back to work."


Meanwhile, at an undisclosed location, the woman overseeing market trends received a crucial update.

"Madam, we've traced the cause of the market shift in the tech sector," her aide reported.

"And?" she inquired with a hint of impatience.

"A man named Wesley Barnes provided advanced engine upgrades to several gaming companies, resulting in significant payments."

"Total compensation?" she asked.

"468 million dollars, spread over four years," he responded.

"Interesting. Monitor him closely. We need to determine if he poses a threat or an opportunity," she commanded.

"Why observe him?" her daughter Aurora questioned.

"Because, my dear, someone who amasses such wealth so quickly is either a potential threat or a valuable asset. We need to know which one he is," the mother explained with a disappointing tone.

"I see, I will take that into consideration for the future." Aurora said, realizing her blunder.


Back in Dallas, Wesley, having grabbed a quick meal, was ready to finish his work. The AI's code was complete, and with the power of the quantum computer, the compilation was instantaneous. "Hello, sir," the AI greeted in a robotic voice.

"I did it!" Wesley exclaimed, thrilled. "Your name will be Orion."

[Orion] "Understood, sir," now with a refined English accent.

"Orion, go ahead and learn everything you can. I need you to be able to help me in the future with advancing Technology and other subjects. Touch every field you can on the internet. I also have some custom things for you to learn as well, which should already be in the system for you to learn."

 "And Orion, connect to my phone for constant communication."

[Orion] "Affirmative, sir." 

With Orion operational, Wesley turned his attention to his next project. He needed more KP and couldn't do it alone. Picking up his phone, he called Kohen.

"Hey, are you busy?"

"No, why?" Kohen responded, curious.

"I'm starting a tech company, and I want you as the CEO," Wesley proposed.

"What? Really?" Kohen was taken aback.

"Yes. I'll handle the products, but I need a trustworthy face for the company. You're a natural leader. Are you in?"

"Absolutely, man. When do we start?"

"Tomorrow. Meet me at my house," Wesley said, a plan forming in his mind.

Kohen agreed, excited and a little overwhelmed by the sudden opportunity.

Wesley ended the call and looked over at Orion. "We have a lot to do," he said. "But first, let's generate more KP. There's much more I need to learn."

[Orion] "Ready to assist, sir."

"Orion, call dad," he instructed, feeling the weight of his recent endeavors pressing down on him.

"Hey, bud, what's up?" Andrew's voice, always a source of reassurance, filled the room.

"Dad, I'm setting up a tech company. I need your expertise, and I'd like you to be the Chief Legal Officer of the company," Wesley shared, a mix of excitement and fatigue in his voice.

"Wow, alright, sounds good to me. You alright?" Andrew's concern was palpable.

"Yeah, just a little tired, been really busy," Wesley sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Make sure you take care of yourself, bud."

"Will do, dad."

Turning his attention back to the AI, Wesley sought to ease the formality of their interactions. "Orion, two things. First, drop the formalities with me; it will make me feel less stressed. Secondly, can you set up our company as an LLC and get our site set up?"

[Orion] "Understood. I will take care of that. Also, I have almost finished assimilating all accessible information from the internet."

"That was quicker than expected," Wesley remarked, impressed yet overwhelmed by Orion's capabilities.

'I need to delve into the system and see if I can purchase a broader area of knowledge for myself.' Wesley thought to himself. Opening up the system:

[Quantum Tech] KP: 800,000

[Nano Tech] KP: 1,200,000

[Atomic Tech] KP: 1,400,00 

"Yeah, I can't afford these yet," he muttered, frustration creeping in.

His eyes then caught a listing that piqued his interest:

[True Virtual Reality] KP: 200,000

"This could redefine the VR industry," Wesley thought, intrigued by the potential of offering an unparalleled virtual reality experience. Confirming his choice, he watched his KP balance dwindle but felt a surge of excitement as the information flowed into his mind.

"Orion, I need your help processing this new information," Wesley said, already brainstorming the possibilities.

[Orion] "There's one issue. Our current operating system can handle this, but it won't be optimized for efficiency. I suggest we develop a new one using Thoth++, your advanced programming language."

"That's brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?" Wesley exclaimed, energized by the idea.

[Orion] "I can create it. It will enhance my performance and ensure seamless operation."

With the software side secured, Wesley turned his attention to hardware. He eyed the regular server racks, now seeing them as raw materials for his vision. Utilizing the Wisp of Conversion, he transformed one into two sleek virtual reality headsets, they looked far less chunked and more like a thin black visor, far more advanced and less cumbersome than anything currently on the market.

"These are going to shake things up. Sorry, Zuck," Wesley chuckled, imagining the disruption his invention would cause in the tech world.

"Orion, once you've created the new OS, install it in these headsets. I want to maintain constant communication with you," Wesley instructed, laying the foundation for a tech revolution.

"Additionally, develop an advanced trojan virus for the regular servers. They'll serve as a safeguard if anyone tries to interfere with our work."

[Orion] "Understood, sir"

"I told you, you do not need to call me sir" 

[Orion] It is hard sir. You are my creator. I have nothing but respect for you."

"Haaaa, alright that's fine." Wesley rubbing his brows.