Intrigue at Dawn

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the city, signaling the start of a new day. At Wesley's apartment, the sound of knocking broke the silence.

'Coming!' Ashlin's voice echoed as she hurried to the door. Opening it, she found Kohen standing on the other side.

"Hey, Ashlin. Is Wes around?" Kohen asked, his gaze wandering past her, searching for his friend.

"Yeah, he's probably still in his room. You know how he is," Ashlin replied, stepping aside to let him in.

Kohen made his way to Wesley's room, finding him fast asleep, oblivious to the world. 'How does someone with so much money still live like this?' Kohen mused, amused and slightly envious. He grabbed a book from the desk and tossed it at Wesley. "Yo loser, wake up," he called out.

"Ahh, FUCK!" Wesley exclaimed, jolted awake by the unexpected assault. "What was that for?"

"Our meeting, remember?" Kohen said, checking his watch. "It's 10:00."

Just then, a voice filled the room: 

[Orion] "Good Morning, Sir. You are finally awake."

Kohen jumped, startled. "What the hell was that?" he demanded.

"That's Orion, my latest creation. An AI like no other," Wesley explained, a hint of pride in his voice.

"Damn, that's impressive. What's the plan with it?" Kohen inquired, his interest piqued.

"Orion's staying with me, for now. But we're launching our own gaming engine and a game. It's going to change everything," Wesley shared, his eyes alight with excitement.

"Doesn't that conflict with your deals with those big companies?" Kohen asked, concerned about potential legal issues.

"Not at all. The contracts were clear about not reusing specific code, and I've developed everything from scratch with a new programming language. We're in the clear," Wesley assured him.

"Alright, where's this all happening?" Kohen was ready to dive in.

"We've got a warehouse set up near downtown. It's perfect for what we need," Wesley said, getting up to get ready.

"And the company's name?" Kohen was curious about the branding.

"Ra Solutions. After the Egyptian god. It felt right," Wesley explained, a smile playing on his lips.

"Cool name. Let's get to it then," Kohen said, eager to start this new chapter.


Meanwhile, at the warehouse, a different scene was unfolding. A woman received a report from her operatives who had infiltrated Wesley's server room.

"Ma'am, the warehouse contains tech that's beyond anything we've seen. It's not just a server room; there's something more," the operative reported.

"Take everything," she commanded, sensing an opportunity.

"That's risky, ma'am. We don't fully understand this technology. It could be a security risk. A bug might be our best move for now," the operative suggested, urging caution.

"Proceed with the bug, then. Gather as much information as you can without detection," she conceded, always calculating the safest course of action.


As Kohen and Wesley approached the warehouse, Orion alerted them to the unexpected visitors.

[Orion] "Sir, there are unauthorized individuals in the server room. They've placed a surveillance device"

Wesley's mind raced. 'So naive, thinking I could keep this low-key,' he chided himself. But then, a plan began to form. 'Let's use this to our advantage.'

He instructed Orion to allow the bug but to hack into the intruders' system and trace them back. As they continued to the warehouse, Wesley's thoughts were a whirlwind of strategy and anticipation.

Through Orion's quick work, they discovered the Alastair family was behind the intrusion. The Alastairs, a name synonymous with power and influence in almost every major sector, were now on Wesley's radar.

Wesley felt a surge of emotions, from anger at the invasion of his privacy to a grudging respect for the Alastairs' reach. 'I need to be smarter, think bigger,' he realized. This was not just about technology or money; it was about influence and power.

Sitting down with Kohen, Wesley shared his discoveries. "We're not just starting a company, Kohen. We're stepping onto a much larger stage," he said, the gravity of the situation settling in.

Kohen listened intently, understanding the stakes. "Whatever you need, Wes. I'm in this with you," he pledged, his loyalty unwavering.

"Orion, go ahead and create the new engine using Thoth++. Also create a brand new MMORPG to help drive further attention to it's capabilities. Use other sources as inspiration to make the game get traction, alongside the engine."

[Orion] "Yes sir, give me one moment."

[Orion] "Done. Also sir, I've done a little more digging into the current situation with the Alastair's and it seems their is a potential situation undergoing within the family."

"Thank you, and what is the situation?" Wesley replied. 

[Orion] "Basically sir, after breaking through their systems, it seems there is a competition going on in the family for who will be taking the next position as the family head." 

"Interesting, interesting. Keep a eye on the competition, we can use this in a variety of ways. Thank you Orion. Good work."

[Orion] "Of course sir!" Orion, excited by the compliment. 


The digital realm buzzed with anticipation and skepticism as Ra Solutions released "Arcane Frontiers," an MMORPG set to redefine the boundaries of virtual worlds. Accompanying the game was an innovative open-source gaming engine, both products of a hitherto unknown tech company that was about to become a household name.

On Social Media:

Drippy_Panda: "Yo, is this shit real? That trailer and combat are INSANE, and the game is already out and it's free? I gotta try this out!" His enthusiasm was palpable, a sentiment echoed by countless others in the gaming community.

MEME_L0Rd_2012 voiced a common cynicism: "Ain't no way this bullshit is real. Anytime some new MMO releases, it's some dumb Chinese company trying to scam my ass with stupid P2W schemes." The gaming world was no stranger to disappointments, and some were wary of getting their hopes up.

Yet, the tide of doubt began to recede as more gamers delved into "Arcane Frontiers." 

Realm_slayer: "GUYS, THE GAME LIVES UP TO THE HYPE! DOWNLOAD NOW! ALSO, THE GAMING ENGINE RELEASED IS AWESOME! UNREAL... WATCH OUT." His words, backed by the genuine awe of firsthand experience, spurred a frenzy of downloads.

The game's success was not merely a stroke of luck but the result of Orion's calculated marketing strategies, funded by Wesley's substantial resources. Orion had scoured the internet, learning what appealed to gamers and how to sustain their interest, ensuring "Arcane Frontiers" was not just another fleeting trend.

As players immersed themselves in the expansive, beautifully rendered world of the game, a question emerged above the din of digital battles and explorations: Who created this masterpiece? The mystery only fueled the game's allure, with players and industry insiders alike scrambling for answers.

The breakthrough came when CNN aired a segment that would catapult Ra Solutions into the limelight: "BREAKING NEWS: SURPRISING TECH COMPANY TAKES WORLD BY STORM. A new game called 'Arcane Frontiers,' alongside its revolutionary gaming engine, has garnered over 1,000,000+ downloads in just a few hours, shattering records. Behind this marvel is Ra Solutions, led by CEO Kohen Mercer. The developers remain shrouded in mystery, but we're committed to bringing you the latest on this groundbreaking company."

Social media erupted with renewed fervor following the broadcast. 

Noob_cReAtoR_64: "YOOOO, who is Ra Solutions! These guys are the GOATS. Whoever the Devs are, they need a pay RAISE. Also CEO Kohen Mercer? Never heard of this guy or the company. BUT OH WELL! The game is insane, and that's all that matters to me!"


'I knew Orion would do a good job, but wow. I really need to realize that what I have always been used to will now be a thing of the past' Wesley thought to himself. As both him and Kohen were currently watching on the screen as wave after wave of praise was given for the Tech companies genius. 

"Hey wes, what is up with those servers? Why do they look so different from your other ones?" Kohen asked.

'Shit… I'm not ready to tell him the truth, just yet.' Wesley thought.

"Well with my current funds, I was able to buy some new state of the art servers. After I created Orion, I learned of the new tech that was developed in China and had it shipped over here. Money does provide new opportunities after all." Wesley lying through his teeth.

"Huh, that makes sense. Well is there anything you want me to do right now?" Kohen asked.

"Not as of yet, I will have Orion connect to your phone and keep you updated on the company and if any trouble arises this way you can handle things easier." Wesley replied.

"Gotcha, sounds good. I will see you later then." As Kohen leaves the warehouse to head home.