Chapter 10: The Simple Question

It was at that moment that Junie realized the position they were currently in. Kian's arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, his chest pressed firmly against hers.

Junie's breath caught. This wouldn't have normally been a big deal. The two of them had hugged multiple times by this point but she could sense something deeper happening. Her body wasn't just reacting to their closeness. Kian's was as well.

Kian was normally so casual and confident but at that moment, he seemed almost shy behind the intensity of his deep brown eyes. The skin of his cheekbones was dusted a light pink but his breathing was even.

Junie was on her knees on the sofa, her knees on one side of Kian's hips. She ducked her head slightly, her lower lip slipping between her teeth. "Sorry," she muttered, lowering herself so she was sitting on her heels.

Kian's eyebrows rose but he tilted his head and grinned teasingly. "For what?"