Chapter 17: Mildly Inappropriate

The four young adults were chatting animatedly as they exited the arcade. Not quite ready to call the night over after the heated air hockey matches, the group decided to stop for ice cream on the way home. 

Normally, strawberry cheesecake ice cream would make Junie extremely happy, but Callie decided to use the opportunity to bring up a less-than-favorable topic. 

“So, Junie’s viewers basically think she’s too disconnected,” Callie was saying, a little too casually for Junie’s tastes. “What do you guys think she should do?” 

“Callie,” Junie snapped, slamming her plastic spoon down onto the table they had occupied. “Can we talk about this later?” 

Callie ignored her and looked at the two guys who sat across from them expectantly. 

Junie snuck a look at Kian. Even though she didn’t like talking about it, she did want to know Kian’s thoughts. She just hoped he didn’t think of her differently because of what her viewers were saying about her.