After forming the plan, Kai would sneak out daily at night, and try to absorb energy but every time, one of his body part got injured, though now he no longer have to take breaks of several weeks, at most two or three days.
And as time went by he felt that he was getting closer to his goal, but even so, the number of energy particles he was absorbing daily had increased to over two hundred particles.
He still spent a lot of time with his parents, he loved to hear the quarrels between his father and mother when ever they started saying things sarcastically.
Over time, Kai found that his father's family is very rich, and his mother's family is rich and powerful. But since Ron was a normal person unlike Emily, who was the genius of her family, her family refused to let her marry an ordinary person, just like the plot of old stories.
But after going against the family's decision they had married and then ran away from those families, for the last few years, it was because of them that Ron had to stay outside so that no one could find them.
Ron also found out that the reason why they haven't come to find their little family yet is because that family is currently busy in killing a very strong and dangerous beast, otherwise, it wouldn't have been difficult for such a strong family to find them.
Time passed slowly, on one night when Kai was about to turn five in a few weeks, while Ron had gone out because of some business and Emily was sleeping inside the house, Kai sneaked out as usual and sat just outside the door.
He was about the reach his goal, he had never felt so close to it, so instead of using only a single part of his body, he filled his entire body with the energy.
' The energy should reach my entire body, they start attacking when I absorb them but it doesn't happen with others. " Kai thought and then he mumbled:
"Since they all have the perfect methods to break this energy, but if I could manage to separate everything then no matter how much these particles want to fight, they would be unable to do anything. But the question then arises is that how am I supposed to do just that? "
While he was thinking he visualised the martial body of his mother and the body structure of both the beasts he had seen before.
" I only have a problem with the outer layer of those energy particles after all it is that layer which acts crazily, and inside it only consists of energy and nothing else. So what would happen if these energy particles were to destroy the outer layer of each other? "
Just as this thought came to his mind, Kai pushed a group of energy particles into a small area and tried absorbing energy from them.
As he had expected they became frenzied and began to move around crazily, but since the space now was very limited they began to hit one another, and just as they hit each other in a frenzied state, they destroyed the outer layer, leaving pure energy for Kai to absorb.
" Finally!! " Kai shouted in excitement, but then he looked around cautiously, after a few seconds he relaxed and again enjoyed the feeling of success.
He had finally found a way to properly absorb energy, now he would be able to absorb a lot more energy than before, the final product that came out was completely different from both, the beasts and Emily.
Now he needs to absorb the energy into his body and while it's moving all around, he would start absorbing them, then contracting them into a small space, after which he would be easily able to get a lot of energy without any hindrance.
It took him only a few cycles of practice to get used to it, now even while doing other things he would still be able to absorb energy.
" Pseudo Martial Body achieved, but so much energy is wasted inside my body alone, after all there is a limit to how much my body could absorb and unlike mummy, I don't have any place to store that energy. " He again fell deep in thought but because of his vast knowledge from his previous life, he was able to find a solution within seconds.
" I could use my meridian for that task, even though they could only store a small amount of energy it would still be more than enough for now, at least until I develop an organ responsible for this task solely. " He thought and directed the pure energy towards the twelve meridians that were present over his body.
Just as the energy was poured into them Kai suddenly felt full of energy, as if he had all of a sudden obtained a lot of power. The energy swirled around in his meridian, creating several vortexes of energy in all his meridians.
Kai was satisfied when he felt that he was able to make the energy stay in his meridians, he wouldn't have to absorb energy constantly now, instead, he could just take it from his twelve meridians and would need to refill them whenever they would be empty.
' Hmm I will be able to refill my meridians in about an hour or so, and this much energy is more than enough to train my body for over an entire week. '
Kai felt satisfied, he let the energy flow into his meridians while he contracted the raw energy particles in a particular area to create more energy.