Cold and Warm

"His body temperature is still dropping," The paramedic said as they continued to monitor Elias's health signs. 

Elias and Maddison were rescued and being airflown by helicopter to the nearest hospital. Electric thermal blankets were given to both of them to help them warm up. Maddison was looking out of the helicopter and turned away from Elias. 

She couldn't forget what he said to her while in the ice cave. The words hurt her deeply and they continued to echo in her mind. It was a constant reminder of the agreement they had in place. 

But as the beeping on the machines grew louder and the paramedics grew more anxious, Maddison could not help but turn back. She wanted to steel her heart and look away. She couldn't. 

She cared for Elias. She truly cared for him. 

"What's happening?" She asked as she walked back over to Elias's side.