
Maddison chuckled as she shook her head, "You once meant something to me, Hugo. But not anymore. The day you trampled on my heart was the day any love I ever had for you died."

An evil smile formed on her face as she leaned in close to Hugo. She savored his expression of hopelessness and terror. But in the reflection of his eyes, she saw her own. She clenched her jaw a little while maintaining her expression. 

She wasn't about to feel sorry for him now. 

This was her moment! 

Her triumphant revenge over him! 

She turned to Lizzie, "I pity you, Lizzie Taylor. A word of advice from woman to woman, pick a better husband. This one is about to be eaten by the wolves."

Maddison got up from her seat and turned to walk away. She didn't look back, determined to leave the restaurant before things could spiral any further. What she hadn't counted on was how Hugo or Lizzie would react. 

"Maddison, you evil bitch!" Hugo roared.